Page 80 - sesesp01_2002
P. 80
EL SELLO DE valor económico y social ex- HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE ELDERLY
de las personas mayores a
La experiencia de HelpA- sus familias y comunidades be included as a special category in all matters and the human rights
ge International es que a las y se promuevan sus derechos conventions and the infringements of these standards have to be considered to
personas mayores les son ne- humanos, atendiendo sus be the same as the infringements of other vulnerable groups.
gados rutinariamente tanto necesidades materiales co-
la protección como el reco- mo parte integral de dicho Development based on rights for HelpAge International means promoting
nocimiento de sus derechos. paquete. equality and non-discrimination, eliminating obstacles and the barriers of age
El “sello de una sociedad no- and gender, extending opportunities, increasing influence on decision-taking
ble” – su compromiso con la Al margen de considera- and strengthening the options and freedoms that make their setting safer and
defensa de los derechos de ciones éticas y humanitarias, more sustainable.
los sectores pobres y vulne- demografía significa que ne-
rables de la sociedad – es to- cesitamos construir un mun- SETTING STANDARDS
davía esquivo. do en el que las “generacio-
nes inviertan unas en otras y The mandate of HelpAge International commits us to enforcing the rights of
Los Principios de las Na- reconozcan la diversidad y la the elderly under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to promoting
ciones Unidas en favor de las interdependencia generacio- the United Nations Principles in favour of elderly people. The dividing of these
personas de edad deben nal, guiadas por los princi- Principles into five key areas reflects the interests of the elderly very closely.
constituir un marco global pios gemelos de reciprocidad These areas represent a basis on which programmes can be designed.
para el cambio para los go- y equidad”.
biernos y organismos inter- The principle of independence recognises the desire of the elderly to maintain
nacionales y multilaterales Necesitamos más y mejo- their autonomy for the longest possible time and is closely connected to ensuring
comprometidos con el fo- res investigaciones y accio- access to their basic material rights of food, a roof, income, education, transport
mento de los derechos de to- nes centradas en la tercera and physical safety. The principle of care reaffirms their right to be supported, to
das las personas. No se trata edad. El diseño de las políti- participate in the decision about the type of care they want and need and to be
de negar los derechos de cas para la tercera edad de- cared for in a considerate manner. The principle of self-realisation recognises
otros grupos vulnerables, si- be involucrar activamente a that they are entitled to seek opportunities to strengthen their capabilities,
no de buscar la inclusión de las personas mayores en la through education, training, employment opportunities and through
un sector decisivo de la po- identificación tanto de los participating in community affairs. The principle of dignity reaffirms that they
blación mundial. La inclu- problemas como de las solu- should not be scorned. Hard living conditions and a lack of material and social
sión de los mayores debe ser ciones. Las actitudes que resources constitute an affront to the dignity of the elderly. The principle of
considerada como la prueba marginan y excluyen a las participation is the basis of all their other rights.
de fuego del compromiso de personas mayores deben ser
la sociedad con los derechos reconocidas y rectificadas, y THE STAMP OF A NOBLE SOCIETY
de todos los demás grupos. la discriminación por edad
debe ser combatida. The experience of HelpAge International is that the elderly are ordinarily denied
Todas las revisiones de las both protection and recognition of their rights. The ‘stamp of a noble society’ , its
metas de pobreza y desarro- Finalmente, debemos exi- commitment to the defence of the poor and vulnerable sectors of society, is being
llo deben considerar los cre- gir convenios y estrategias side-stepped. The United Nations Principle in favour of aged people should
cientes números de mayores nacionales e internacionales constitute a global framework for change for the international and multilateral
en el mundo, y las realidades que obliguen a los gobiernos organisations and governments committed to promoting the rights of everybody.
y aspiraciones de la tercera y organismos internacionales The inclusion of the elderly should be considered as a determining test of the
edad deben ser colocadas en y multilaterales a promover y commitment of the society to the rights of all other groups.
el centro de los foros de dis- hacer realidad toda la gama
cusión sobre los problemas de derechos humanos de las All reviews of the goals of poverty and development should consider the
de desarrollo social. personas mayores, en con- growing number of elderly people in the world. We need to change the focusing
cordancia con el marco inter- of social and development programmes, in such a way that an explicit social and
Necesitamos cambiar la nacional de derechos huma- economic value is assigned to the contributions that the elderly make to their
focalización de los progra- nos y los Principios de las families and communities. Demography means that we need to build a world in
mas sociales y de desarrollo, Naciones Unidas para la Ter- which the ‘some generations invest in others, guided by the twin principles of
de manera que se asigne un cera Edad. reciprocity and fairness’. We need more and better research and actions focused
on the third age. The attitudes that marginalize and exclude the elderly should
be recognised and corrected, and age discrimination should be combated.

Finally, we should insist on national and international agreements and
strategies that force international and multilateral bodies and governments to
promote the whole range of human rights of the elderly.

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