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ción y cuidados. Sus propias les, el aislamiento y la debi- unproductive. And, nevertheless, the evidence compiled by HelpAge International
estrategias de subsistencia a lidad física forman parte de shows that they play a central role within the family and the community. Their
menudo se ven comprometi- las desventajas a las que es- contributions to the well-being and survival of their families and communities
das por la necesidad de tán expuestas. has to be demonstrated if poverty is to be eradicated and their rights realised.
mantener niños enfermos y Keeping the third age out of the debate on poverty is not a rational strategy for
nietos huérfanos. Las personas mayores que the international community or for development agencies.
se apartan de la norma esta-
La mayoría de las perso- blecida en sus comunidades THE REALITIES OF POVERTY IN THE THIRD AGE
nas mayores desea ser aten- se enfrentan a profundos
dida en casa, y lo es. Pero es riesgos. En regiones del nor- Poverty among elderly people is translated into precarious states of health and
común encontrar altos nive- te de la India y en algunos nutrition, problems in generating income, serious hardships in facing up to the
les de depresión y temor en- países africanos, la viudez numerous burdens caused by HIV/AIDS, migration, conflict and loss of property,
tre los mayores pobres, preo- significa para las mujeres violence and psychological pressures. In the same way, the friction and tension
cupadas porque no saben más que la pérdida de esta- between generations are exacerbated. The bad state of health associated with
cómo hará su familia para tus, pueden ser arrojadas del poverty at the earlier stages of life multiplies during old age. Elderly people state
afrontar su enfermedad, in- hogar de sus difuntos espo- that health care is the most important service for them, and yet it is often the
validez y el sepelio. sos. En algunos países afri- least accessible.
canos, pueden ser acusadas
EXCLUSIÓN SOCIAL de brujería, sufriendo el des- The reduction in the capacity to work, the lack of social security and limited
tierro, la reclusión auto-im- access to programmes that generate income lead to a profound level of financial
La exclusión de las perso- puesta y hasta la muerte. insecurity. Barely one third of the world's elderly receive any form of subsidy from
nas mayores pobres es pro- the State. When this subsidy is made effective, it is used to maintain many
ducto de las desigualdades La violencia y el maltrato people. Opportunities to diversify their income sources are scarce. Age restrictions
estructurales y el empobreci- contra los mayores, aunque on gaining access to credit are common, in spite of the fact that elderly people,
miento progresivo. La falta no siempre son denuncia- especially women, are very good payers.
de acceso a educación, em- dos, a menudo están asocia-
pleo y atención de salud en dos con la pérdida de esta- Illness and death of family members for causes related to HIV/AIDS have
etapas previas, sumada a las tus. El maltrato físico incluye imposed new burdens in terms of care and attention on the older generation.
barreras especiales que en- lesiones pero también negli- Their own subsistence strategies are often compromised by the need to maintain
cuentran las mujeres en mu- gencia. El maltrato psicológi- sick children and orphan grandchildren.
chos países, influye decisiva- co, las amenazas, agresión
mente sobre su estatus y bie- verbal y aislamiento, puede SOCIAL EXCLUSION
nestar. Les resulta difícil re- darse incluso sin violencia fí-
clamar servicios; conocer y sica. Las actitudes de un pú- The exclusion of the poor and elderly is the product of structural inequalities ➾
negociar sus derechos; reac- blico más joven y de diseña- and progressing impoverishment. This exclusion is particularly serious when
cionar frente al maltrato, la dores de políticas que exclu- health and material support services are needed, when they are the victims of
violencia y el abandono; exi- yen a la tercera edad dificul- discrimination by the family and the State. The absence of material assets,
gir información accesible y tan su denuncia. isolation and physical weakness forms part of the disadvantages that they are
protestar contra la discrimi- exposed to. Elderly people who are kept apart from the norms established in their
nación de edad y género. Los servicios públicos y communities are confronted by deep risks. In regions in the north of India and in
privados no suelen ser dise- some African countries, widowhood means more than a loss of status for women.
Dicha exclusión es parti- ñados para atender las nece- They could be thrown out of the home of their deceased husbands, may be
cularmente grave cuando re- sidades de la tercera edad. accused of witchcraft, suffer exile, self-imposed reclusiveness and even death.
quieren servicios de salud y Tienen que vencer numero-
apoyo material, cuando son sos obstáculos para acceder Even though violence and ill-treatment against the elderly is not always
víctimas de discriminación a servicios básicos como hi- reported, it is often associated with a loss of status. Physical ill-treatment
por la familia y el Estado y giénicos e instalaciones de includes not only injuries but negligence as well. Psychological ill-treatment,
cuando los cambios socioe- salud. La atención de la ter- including threats, verbal aggression and isolation may even take place without
conómicos y culturales son cera edad se ha concentrado there being physical violence. Public and private services are not usually
muy rápidos y profundos. La en proyectos localizados, li- designed to attend to the needs of the third age. Elderly people have to overcome
ausencia de bienes materia- mitados, y no en estrategias numerous obstacles in order to access basic services such as hygiene and health
más amplias para promover installations. Even when the elderly possess property rights or have access to
free health care, they may lack information and structures though which they can
make use of them.
Sesenta y más 81
ción y cuidados. Sus propias les, el aislamiento y la debi- unproductive. And, nevertheless, the evidence compiled by HelpAge International
estrategias de subsistencia a lidad física forman parte de shows that they play a central role within the family and the community. Their
menudo se ven comprometi- las desventajas a las que es- contributions to the well-being and survival of their families and communities
das por la necesidad de tán expuestas. has to be demonstrated if poverty is to be eradicated and their rights realised.
mantener niños enfermos y Keeping the third age out of the debate on poverty is not a rational strategy for
nietos huérfanos. Las personas mayores que the international community or for development agencies.
se apartan de la norma esta-
La mayoría de las perso- blecida en sus comunidades THE REALITIES OF POVERTY IN THE THIRD AGE
nas mayores desea ser aten- se enfrentan a profundos
dida en casa, y lo es. Pero es riesgos. En regiones del nor- Poverty among elderly people is translated into precarious states of health and
común encontrar altos nive- te de la India y en algunos nutrition, problems in generating income, serious hardships in facing up to the
les de depresión y temor en- países africanos, la viudez numerous burdens caused by HIV/AIDS, migration, conflict and loss of property,
tre los mayores pobres, preo- significa para las mujeres violence and psychological pressures. In the same way, the friction and tension
cupadas porque no saben más que la pérdida de esta- between generations are exacerbated. The bad state of health associated with
cómo hará su familia para tus, pueden ser arrojadas del poverty at the earlier stages of life multiplies during old age. Elderly people state
afrontar su enfermedad, in- hogar de sus difuntos espo- that health care is the most important service for them, and yet it is often the
validez y el sepelio. sos. En algunos países afri- least accessible.
canos, pueden ser acusadas
EXCLUSIÓN SOCIAL de brujería, sufriendo el des- The reduction in the capacity to work, the lack of social security and limited
tierro, la reclusión auto-im- access to programmes that generate income lead to a profound level of financial
La exclusión de las perso- puesta y hasta la muerte. insecurity. Barely one third of the world's elderly receive any form of subsidy from
nas mayores pobres es pro- the State. When this subsidy is made effective, it is used to maintain many
ducto de las desigualdades La violencia y el maltrato people. Opportunities to diversify their income sources are scarce. Age restrictions
estructurales y el empobreci- contra los mayores, aunque on gaining access to credit are common, in spite of the fact that elderly people,
miento progresivo. La falta no siempre son denuncia- especially women, are very good payers.
de acceso a educación, em- dos, a menudo están asocia-
pleo y atención de salud en dos con la pérdida de esta- Illness and death of family members for causes related to HIV/AIDS have
etapas previas, sumada a las tus. El maltrato físico incluye imposed new burdens in terms of care and attention on the older generation.
barreras especiales que en- lesiones pero también negli- Their own subsistence strategies are often compromised by the need to maintain
cuentran las mujeres en mu- gencia. El maltrato psicológi- sick children and orphan grandchildren.
chos países, influye decisiva- co, las amenazas, agresión
mente sobre su estatus y bie- verbal y aislamiento, puede SOCIAL EXCLUSION
nestar. Les resulta difícil re- darse incluso sin violencia fí-
clamar servicios; conocer y sica. Las actitudes de un pú- The exclusion of the poor and elderly is the product of structural inequalities ➾
negociar sus derechos; reac- blico más joven y de diseña- and progressing impoverishment. This exclusion is particularly serious when
cionar frente al maltrato, la dores de políticas que exclu- health and material support services are needed, when they are the victims of
violencia y el abandono; exi- yen a la tercera edad dificul- discrimination by the family and the State. The absence of material assets,
gir información accesible y tan su denuncia. isolation and physical weakness forms part of the disadvantages that they are
protestar contra la discrimi- exposed to. Elderly people who are kept apart from the norms established in their
nación de edad y género. Los servicios públicos y communities are confronted by deep risks. In regions in the north of India and in
privados no suelen ser dise- some African countries, widowhood means more than a loss of status for women.
Dicha exclusión es parti- ñados para atender las nece- They could be thrown out of the home of their deceased husbands, may be
cularmente grave cuando re- sidades de la tercera edad. accused of witchcraft, suffer exile, self-imposed reclusiveness and even death.
quieren servicios de salud y Tienen que vencer numero-
apoyo material, cuando son sos obstáculos para acceder Even though violence and ill-treatment against the elderly is not always
víctimas de discriminación a servicios básicos como hi- reported, it is often associated with a loss of status. Physical ill-treatment
por la familia y el Estado y giénicos e instalaciones de includes not only injuries but negligence as well. Psychological ill-treatment,
cuando los cambios socioe- salud. La atención de la ter- including threats, verbal aggression and isolation may even take place without
conómicos y culturales son cera edad se ha concentrado there being physical violence. Public and private services are not usually
muy rápidos y profundos. La en proyectos localizados, li- designed to attend to the needs of the third age. Elderly people have to overcome
ausencia de bienes materia- mitados, y no en estrategias numerous obstacles in order to access basic services such as hygiene and health
más amplias para promover installations. Even when the elderly possess property rights or have access to
free health care, they may lack information and structures though which they can
make use of them.
Sesenta y más 81