Page 62 - sesesp01_2002
P. 62

La viabilidad Unión Europea sería de 47 the problem of the increase in pension costs. It is necessary to find a real solution
financiera de los millones de personas para through an increase in the participation of the labour force, above all among
mantener el tamaño de po- women, elderly workers and young people. The modern and more flexible
sistemas de blación total y 674 millones permanent work models would have to better adapt to an ageing labour force.
seguridad social para mantener el índice de
debe garantizarse población en edad de traba- However, the financing and the benefit systems have to be prepared to face
jar (15 a 64 años de edad) up to the fact of ageing, because the defined pension plans and the systems of
a largo plazo con respecto a la población financing from individual savings accounts will be affected by this growth.
mayor (de 65 años de edad o Benefits systems for the elderly are long term commitments from a society of
Los costes de atención sa- más). De estas cifras se de- which people are members for seven or eight decades. In order to be
nitaria aumentan con la duce que la inmigración tal sustainable, the viable financing of social security systems has to be
edad. El coste total de la vez no sea una solución uni- guaranteed in the long run. Therefore, it is necessary to make the necessary
atención sanitaria debido al versal al envejecimiento. adjustments as soon as possible in order to avoid financial crises.
envejecimiento solitario au-
mentará un 41% entre 2000 La situación de los traba- 3. Long-term repercussions of ageing on health care
y 2050. El aumento es del jadores migrantes que reali- Health services need to be adapted to the demands of the ageing population
36% en los países más desa- zan trabajos en el sector de as well as to the associated costs. The rapid growth in the percentage of the
rrollados y del 48 por ciento la economía no estructurada population over 80 can be used as an indicator of the growing demand for long
en los menos desarrollados. y que envejecen sin estar term nursing care services for the dependent elderly. Nonetheless, while a
Dicho efecto no tiene en cubiertos por la protección growing number of elderly will mean a greater demand on services, it also
cuenta el aumento futuro ge- social, y sin tener acceso a represents a highly valuable resource for society as a whole.
neral de la utilización y de los planes de pensiones ni a There is evidence that in countries in which few social services exist, non-
los costes en todo el modelo los servicios médicos ade- institutional subsistence systems, such as family structures, perform an
de consumo. Tampoco tiene cuados es motivo de gran important role. However, if the participation of the labour force, especially
en cuenta el efecto de recu- preocupación. También es women, continues increasing, they will have to increasingly be replaced by
peración que uno podría es- importante garantizar un tra- professional services.
perar en el mundo en desa- to igual con los nacionales Health care costs increase significantly with age. The total costs of health care
rrollo. Además, no está claro así como mantener los dere- due to ageing alone will increase by 41 per cent between 2000 and 2050. This
si el futuro aumento del con- chos adquiridos después de represents a 36 per cent increase in the more developed countries and 48 per cent
sumo de servicios sanitarios cambiar la residencia de un in the less developed ones. This effect does not take account of the future general
en las primeras edades redu- país a otro. increase in use, and the costs involved in the whole consumption model. Moreover,
ciría el consumo en edades it is not clear whether the future increase in consumption of health services in the
más avanzadas. La emigración también early years of life would reduce consumption at more advanced ages.
puede privar a los países de
4. Envejecimiento y migra- envío que cuentan con una 4. Ageing and migration
ción. población de edad avanzada The level of international migration necessary to compensate for the reduction
de personas que realmente in the population of working age in those societies undergoing the ageing process
La migración internacio- necesitan. Si bien puede ser has become an important problem. A United Nations study has calculated that
nal necesaria para compen- una ventaja para los particu- the immigration level necessary in order to maintain the size of the total
sar la reducción de la pobla- lares, esta «fuga de cere- population in the European Union between 2000 and 2050 would be 47 million
ción en edad de trabajar en bros» representa una pérdi- people, and 674 million in order to maintain the population index of working age
las sociedades en proceso de da considerable para los pa- (15 to 64 years of age) with respect to the older population (of 65 or over). It can
envejecimiento se ha conver- íses que han invertido en la be inferred from these figures that perhaps immigration is not a universal
tido en un problema impor- formación y en las compe- solution to ageing.
tante. Un estudio de las Na- tencias de los trabajadores. The position of the migrant workers who undertake work in the non-structured
ciones Unidas ha calculado Asimismo eso se traduce en sector of the economy and who get older without being covered by social
que la inmigración necesaria una «selección adversa» de protection and without having access to either pension plans or adequate
entre 2000 y 2050 en la la población que tiene re- medical services is a cause for great concern. It is also important to guarantee
percusiones negativas para equal treatment with the nationals in such countries, as well as maintaining the
los planes de pensión y de rights acquired after having changed residence from one country to another.
salud nacionales. Emigration may also deprive the countries that the people leave. Such
countries have aged people who really need such emigrants. While it may be an
advantage for particular individuals, this «brain drain» represents a
considerable loss for the countries that have invested in training and the skills
of the workers. In the same way, this translates into an «adverse selection
process» of the population that has negative repercussions for pension plans
and national health.

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