Page 58 - sesesp01_2002
P. 58

Los problemas de pasado no recibieron una for others has gained more importance, but this is due to other circumstances.
empleo de los educación de calidad. Para Many African women look after relatives, especially children and grandchildren,
esos adultos, la educación with HIV/AIDS.
mayores se deben permanente trata de dar una
sobre todo al educación profesional y sen- It is important to bear in mind that the participation of women will be the
poco nivel de tar las bases de una educa- main source of growth of the future labour force in many countries.
conocimientos ción futura. Demographic ageing underlines the importance of the participation of women in
the job market. The increase in participation of women in the job market could
res de empleo público y de Los trabajadores más jó- reduce the dependency problems relating to demographic changes and may
los programas de formación venes tienen un promedio de contribute towards re-establishing the gender imbalance.
pero son un grupo destinata- más años de escolarización y
rio cada vez más importante. mayor acceso a los progra- THE EMPLOYABILITY OF EDERLY WORKERS
Sin embargo, existen algu- mas de formación que sus
nos países como Estados homólogos más mayores. Co- 1. The importance of education and development of skills
Unidos, Canadá y Japón don- mo resultado, es más difícil The current employment problems of elderly workers are basically caused by
de progresivamente se han que los trabajadores mayores their poor standard of basic knowledge. While there are many literacy
adoptado medidas para for- se mantengan al día de los programmes, these tend to be directed towards children and young people.
mular una política de forma- cambios tecnológicos. Será Educational achievement is strongly related to employment.
ción de los trabajadores ma- más útil adaptar y actualizar The employees who have worked longest and have the highest cultural levels
yores. En Europa, uno de los las competencias que apren- remain employed for the longest period. Their educational level provides a basis
programas políticos más der competencias nuevas, for the workers to acquire skills throughout their working lives and so they are
habida cuenta del poco prepared for ageing. It is forecast that elderly workers will have a better
integrados para promover tiempo de que se dispone educational standard than now in the future. While this trend is probable in
la empleabilidad de los tra- para recuperar los costes. developed countries, there will still be great differences in the distribution of
bajadores mayores es el pro- educational levels on the international scale.
grama nacional para trabaja- Solamente en una socie- The demand for new skills and knowledge puts many elderly workers at a
dores mayores de Finlandia. dad de la educación podrán disadvantage. Additional obstacles confront elderly people with disabilities.
Dicho programa pretende lo- todos los trabajadores actua- Training participation is generally reduced with age. It is almost twice as likely
grar un amplio consenso a lizar continuamente sus co- that young people aged between 25 and 34 will undergo some form of training
escala política, tanto para nocimientos para mantener than people aged between 55 and 64. There is evidence that the prejudices
valorar la experiencia de la la empleabilidad. Si bien el relating to the capabilities of elderly workers are groundless.
mano de obra que envejece Reino Unido está a la cabeza Elderly workers do not represent a significant part of the recipients of public
como para aumentar la edad de la acción en este campo, employment and training programmes, but they are an increasingly important
de jubilación actual. El lema la educación permanente es- target group. However, in some countries such as the United States, Canada and
del programa «La experien- tá bien aceptada en una se- Japan, measures have been progressively adopted to formulate a training policy
cia es el capital nacional» rie de países industrializados for elderly workers. In Europe, one of the most integrated policy programmes for
hace hincapié en la posibili- como estrategia necesaria promoting employability among the elderly is the national programme for elderly
dad de utilizar la mano de para un desarrollo continuo. workers in Finland.
obra mayor como recurso. Sin embargo, todavía que- The aim of this programme is to achieve a wide consensus on a political
dan por resolver muchas scale, both in terms of valuing the experience of the ageing labour force and of
2. El papel de la educación cuestiones, como la de la fi- increasing the current retirement age. The slogan of the programme
permanente. nanciación. «Experience is the national capital» places emphasis on the possibility of using
the older labour force as a resource.
La educación permanente 3. Tecnologías de la informa-
es una estrategia preventiva ción y de la comunicación 2. The role of ongoing education
a largo plazo que incluye (TIC) y trabajadores mayores. Ongoing education is a long-term preventative strategy that includes much
mucho más que una segun- more than a second chance for education for adults who have not received a
da oportunidad de educación Los rápidos avances tec- quality education in the past. For these adults, ongoing education tries to provide
para los adultos que en el nológicos piden una renova- a professional standard of education and establish the bases of future
ción y una actualización de education.
conocimientos continuas. Al Younger workers have an average of more school years and greater access to
mismo tiempo, las nuevas training programmes than their more elderly counterparts. As a result, it is
harder for elderly workers to keep themselves up to date with technological
changes. It would be more useful to adapt and update the skills of learning new
skills, taking into account the short amount of time available to recover the costs.

➾It will only be possible for all workers to constantly update their knowledge in

order to maintain their employability in an education society. While the United

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