Page 54 - sesesp01_2002
P. 54
El objeto de este do. La modificación de la pi- EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL PROTECTION
documento es in- rámide de edad hacia las
formar al Consejo personas mayores es motivo The extension of working
de Administra- de preocupación. La pobreza life, a necessary strategy for
ción sobre la evo- y la exclusión social son los
lución que ha te- mayores obstáculos a un en- demographic change
nido lugar desde el inicio del vejecimiento decente y segu-
proceso preparatorio y de la ro. Solamente aquellos que T he second World Assembly should pay special attention to the following
contribución de la OIT al empiezan a cotizar en los aspects: the steps of a practical nature relating to all aspects of the ageing
mismo. También subraya planes de pensiones desde process, the links between ageing and development and in particular, the
cuestiones de empleo y pro- jóvenes tendrán la oportuni- needs and prospects of the developing countries, the appropriate forms of
tección social relacionadas dad de evitar la pobreza association between the public and/or private sector, with a view to creating
con los trabajadores y la po- cuando sean mayores. societies for people of all ages, and the measures to increase solidarity between
blación de edad. generations. The aim of this document is to inform the Board of Administration
CONSECUENCIAS SOCIALES about the evolution that has taken place since the start of the preparatory
La población mayor está Y ECONÓMICAS process and the contribution of the ILO to this. A series of questions about
creciendo más rápido que employment and social protection relating to workers and the elderly population
los demás grupos de edad. En las últimas décadas, la that the Board of Administration wishes to consider is also emphasised.
Entre 1950 y 2050 se espe- mayoría de países industria-
ra que dicho grupo aumente lizados han experimentado The elderly population of 60 and over is growing faster than all the other age
de 200 millones a 2 billones una drástica reducción de la groups. It is expected that this group will increase from 200 million to 2 billion
de personas. El envejeci- edad media de jubilación de people between 1950 and 2050. The developing countries still have a relatively
miento varía entre países y los individuos. El aumento young population, while the populations of the industrialised countries are older
regiones. Los países en de- de la esperanza de vida y la in relative terms. However, the rate of population ageing in developing countries
sarrollo tienen una pobla- mejora de la salud no se han is greater than that in the industrialised countries. While the developed world
ción relativamente joven visto acompañadas de una will age at a practically constant rate if we compare the 1950-2000 and 2000-
mientras que las poblacio- actividad laboral más dura- 2050 periods, ageing, and consequently, the dependency of the elderly, raises a
nes de los países industriali- dera. Estos países se enfren- problem that is increasingly more serious in the developing world.
zados son relativamente ma- tan a graves problemas sobre
yores. Sin embargo, el ritmo la viabilidad de los planes de This demographic change is attributed to a general fall in the birth rate and
de envejecimiento de las po- seguridad social. Sin embar- the improvement in health that has extended life expectancy and has reduced
blaciones en los países en go, lo que afecta a los siste- the birth rate all over the world. The tilting of the age pyramid towards the
desarrollo es mayor que en mas de transferencia social elderly is a cause for concern. Poverty and social exclusion are the greatest
los industrializados. Si bien nacional, que redistribuyen obstacles to a dignified and safe ageing experience. Only those who begin to
el mundo desarrollado enve- los ingresos de las personas contribute to pension plans from a young age will have the chance to avoid
jecerá a un ritmo constante mayores activas a las inacti- poverty when they get older.
si comparamos los períodos vas, no son solamente los
de 1950-2000 y 2000- cambios demográficos sino SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES
2050, el envejecimiento y también los índices de de-
la dependencia de las perso- pendencia del sistema. Para In recent decades, the majority of industrialised countries have experienced
nas mayores plantea un pro- evaluar la viabilidad de un a drastic reduction in the average retirement age of the people on the job
blema cada vez mayor en el plan de pensiones es decisi- market. The increase in life expectancy and the improvement in health have not
mundo en desarrollo. vo saber cuántos pensionis- been accompanied by a more durable employment situation. These countries are
tas debe mantener cada per- facing serious problems regarding the viability of their social security plans.
Este cambio demográfico sona activa. Hasta ahora, los However, it is not only the demographic changes that affect the national social
se atribuye al descenso ge- planes de pensiones de los transfer systems that redistribute the income of the active elderly people to the
neral de la tasa de fertilidad países más desarrollados no inactive ones, but the indices of dependence on the system also affect it. In
y a la mejora de la salud que han considerado el envejeci- order to evaluate the viability of a pension plan, it is essential to know how many
ha alargado la esperanza de miento demográfico como un pensioners each active individual has to maintain.
vida y ha reducido la tasa de
nacimiento en todo el mun- Up to now, the pension plans of the most developed countries have not
considered demographic ageing to be a significant problem. If it were possible
to gradually modify the retirement age to the age set in the ten-year period from
1950 for the following five decades, the demographic pressure caused by
longevity could be made known. Therefore, one of the main challenges is to
mitigate the effects of the fall in the population of working age, increasing and
prolonging the participation of the elderly in the job market.
➾In most developing countries, in which less than 20 per cent of the labour
Sesenta y más 59
documento es in- rámide de edad hacia las
formar al Consejo personas mayores es motivo The extension of working
de Administra- de preocupación. La pobreza life, a necessary strategy for
ción sobre la evo- y la exclusión social son los
lución que ha te- mayores obstáculos a un en- demographic change
nido lugar desde el inicio del vejecimiento decente y segu-
proceso preparatorio y de la ro. Solamente aquellos que T he second World Assembly should pay special attention to the following
contribución de la OIT al empiezan a cotizar en los aspects: the steps of a practical nature relating to all aspects of the ageing
mismo. También subraya planes de pensiones desde process, the links between ageing and development and in particular, the
cuestiones de empleo y pro- jóvenes tendrán la oportuni- needs and prospects of the developing countries, the appropriate forms of
tección social relacionadas dad de evitar la pobreza association between the public and/or private sector, with a view to creating
con los trabajadores y la po- cuando sean mayores. societies for people of all ages, and the measures to increase solidarity between
blación de edad. generations. The aim of this document is to inform the Board of Administration
CONSECUENCIAS SOCIALES about the evolution that has taken place since the start of the preparatory
La población mayor está Y ECONÓMICAS process and the contribution of the ILO to this. A series of questions about
creciendo más rápido que employment and social protection relating to workers and the elderly population
los demás grupos de edad. En las últimas décadas, la that the Board of Administration wishes to consider is also emphasised.
Entre 1950 y 2050 se espe- mayoría de países industria-
ra que dicho grupo aumente lizados han experimentado The elderly population of 60 and over is growing faster than all the other age
de 200 millones a 2 billones una drástica reducción de la groups. It is expected that this group will increase from 200 million to 2 billion
de personas. El envejeci- edad media de jubilación de people between 1950 and 2050. The developing countries still have a relatively
miento varía entre países y los individuos. El aumento young population, while the populations of the industrialised countries are older
regiones. Los países en de- de la esperanza de vida y la in relative terms. However, the rate of population ageing in developing countries
sarrollo tienen una pobla- mejora de la salud no se han is greater than that in the industrialised countries. While the developed world
ción relativamente joven visto acompañadas de una will age at a practically constant rate if we compare the 1950-2000 and 2000-
mientras que las poblacio- actividad laboral más dura- 2050 periods, ageing, and consequently, the dependency of the elderly, raises a
nes de los países industriali- dera. Estos países se enfren- problem that is increasingly more serious in the developing world.
zados son relativamente ma- tan a graves problemas sobre
yores. Sin embargo, el ritmo la viabilidad de los planes de This demographic change is attributed to a general fall in the birth rate and
de envejecimiento de las po- seguridad social. Sin embar- the improvement in health that has extended life expectancy and has reduced
blaciones en los países en go, lo que afecta a los siste- the birth rate all over the world. The tilting of the age pyramid towards the
desarrollo es mayor que en mas de transferencia social elderly is a cause for concern. Poverty and social exclusion are the greatest
los industrializados. Si bien nacional, que redistribuyen obstacles to a dignified and safe ageing experience. Only those who begin to
el mundo desarrollado enve- los ingresos de las personas contribute to pension plans from a young age will have the chance to avoid
jecerá a un ritmo constante mayores activas a las inacti- poverty when they get older.
si comparamos los períodos vas, no son solamente los
de 1950-2000 y 2000- cambios demográficos sino SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES
2050, el envejecimiento y también los índices de de-
la dependencia de las perso- pendencia del sistema. Para In recent decades, the majority of industrialised countries have experienced
nas mayores plantea un pro- evaluar la viabilidad de un a drastic reduction in the average retirement age of the people on the job
blema cada vez mayor en el plan de pensiones es decisi- market. The increase in life expectancy and the improvement in health have not
mundo en desarrollo. vo saber cuántos pensionis- been accompanied by a more durable employment situation. These countries are
tas debe mantener cada per- facing serious problems regarding the viability of their social security plans.
Este cambio demográfico sona activa. Hasta ahora, los However, it is not only the demographic changes that affect the national social
se atribuye al descenso ge- planes de pensiones de los transfer systems that redistribute the income of the active elderly people to the
neral de la tasa de fertilidad países más desarrollados no inactive ones, but the indices of dependence on the system also affect it. In
y a la mejora de la salud que han considerado el envejeci- order to evaluate the viability of a pension plan, it is essential to know how many
ha alargado la esperanza de miento demográfico como un pensioners each active individual has to maintain.
vida y ha reducido la tasa de
nacimiento en todo el mun- Up to now, the pension plans of the most developed countries have not
considered demographic ageing to be a significant problem. If it were possible
to gradually modify the retirement age to the age set in the ten-year period from
1950 for the following five decades, the demographic pressure caused by
longevity could be made known. Therefore, one of the main challenges is to
mitigate the effects of the fall in the population of working age, increasing and
prolonging the participation of the elderly in the job market.
➾In most developing countries, in which less than 20 per cent of the labour
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