Page 50 - sesesp01_2002
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nándoles servicios de rehabi- breza y en los procesos polí- q To guarantee that everybody has the right to a dignified death that respects ➾
litación y/o dispositivos de ticos que afecten a sus dere- his or her cultural values.
apoyo eficaces (por ejemplo, chos. Garantizar que las per-
lentes correctores). sonas mayores tengan el q To support aged faith healers that have a great deal of knowledge about
mismo acceso que las jóve- traditional and complementary medicine and to encourage them in their task of
q Evitar las lesiones pro- nes a las becas de desarrollo, passing this knowledge on.
tegiendo a los peatones de a los proyectos que generen
más edad en el tráfico, ha- ingresos y a los programas de 3. To avoid and reduce the burden of excessive disabilities, above all
ciendo que paseen con más crédito. among marginalised populations:
seguridad, poniendo en prác-
tica programas de preven- q Promulgar políticas y q To establish specific objectives by genre in order to improve the health
ción de caídas, eliminando programas de mercado de conditions of elderly people and to reduce disabilities and premature death.
los peligros en el hogar y pro- trabajo y empleo que permi-
porcionando consejos sobre tan la participación de las q To create norms and environments that are favourable to elderly people and
seguridad. personas mayores en traba- that prevent situations that lead to a worsening of their disabilities.
jos gratificantes en idéntica
q Hacer tratamientos efi- proporción a la de otros gru- q To aid continual independence of disabled people, helping them to adapt to
caces y rentables que reduz- pos de edad, según sus ne- the setting in which they live, providing them with rehabilitation services and/or
can las discapacidades (co- cesidades individuales, pre- effective support apparatus (such as corrective lenses).
mo la eliminación de catara- ferencias y capacidades
tas y las prótesis de cadera) (por ejemplo, la eliminación q To avoid injuries by protecting older pedestrians in traffic, helping them to
y sean más accesibles para de la discriminación por cross with greater safety, implementing fall prevention programmes, eliminating
las personas mayores con po- edad en la contratación y dangers at home and providing advice on safety.
cos ingresos. conservación de trabajado-
res mayores). q To ensure effective and beneficial treatment that reduces disabilities (such
q Hacer que las personas as the elimination of cataracts and hip replacements) that is also more
mayores que necesiten me- q Apoyar las reformas de accessible for elderly people on a limited income.
dicamentos seguros e im- pensiones que fomenten la
prescindibles pero que no productividad, un sistema q To ensure that the elderly people who need safe and essential medicine but
puedan costeárselos puedan heterogéneo de planes de who cannot afford it, are able to have access to it in a reasonable manner.
acceder a ellos de forma ase- pensión y alternativas de ju-
quible. bilación más flexibles (por q To promote the development of a range of alternative residences for the
ejemplo, la jubilación gra- elderly that do away with the barriers of personal autonomy and that favour full
q Fomentar el desarrollo dual o parcial). participation in community and family life.
de una gama de alternativas
de viviendas para las perso- q Proporcionar una mayor 4. To permit active participation of elderly people in all aspects of society:
nas mayores que elimine las flexibilidad en los períodos q To include elderly people in the planning, implementation and evaluation of
barreras a la autonomía per- dedicados a la educación, el social development initiatives, in the efforts to reduce poverty and in the political
sonal y favorezca la partici- trabajo y las responsabilida- processes that may affect their rights. To guarantee that the elderly have the
pación plena en la vida co- des de los cuidados durante same access to development grants, income-generating projects and credit
munitaria y familiar. el ciclo vital. programmes as young people.
q To extend policies and programmes concerning the job market and
4. Permitir la participación q Reconocer la contribu- employment that permit the participation of the elderly in worthwhile work in an
ción de las mujeres y los identical proportion to that of other age groups, according to their individual
activa de las personas mayo- hombres mayores en los tra- needs, preferences and capabilities (for example, the elimination of age
res en todos los aspectos de la bajos no remunerados del discrimination in hiring and the maintaining of older workers in jobs).
sociedad: sector informal y en los cui- q To support pension reforms that promote productivity, a standard pension
dados domésticos. plan system and more flexible retirement alternatives (for example, gradual or
q Incluir a las personas partial retirement).
mayores en la planificación, q Reconocer el valor del q To provide greater flexibility in the periods devoted to education, work and
la puesta en práctica y la voluntariado y ampliar las care responsibilities during the life span.
evaluación de las iniciativas oportunidades para que las q To recognise the contribution of older men and women in unpaid work in the
de desarrollo social, en los personas mayores participen informal sector and in domestic caregiving.
esfuerzos para reducir la po- en actividades de voluntaria- q To recognise the value of volunteer work and to extend opportunities so that
older people can take part in worthwhile voluntary activities, especially those who
wish to be volunteers and cannot do so due to health or transport limitations.
q To provide education and training policies and programmes that permit
older people to study throughout their lives and to begin learning new skills,
particularly in the area of information technology and agriculture.
q To provide inter-generational activities at schools and to teach young people
what active ageing consists of.
q To work with the mass media to provide realistic and positive images of
active ageing, as well as educational information for elderly people.
5. To improve health and increase independence, providing elderly people
with protection, above all in hard times:
q To recognise the importance that HIV/AIDS has for older people and to
Sesenta y más 55
nándoles servicios de rehabi- breza y en los procesos polí- q To guarantee that everybody has the right to a dignified death that respects ➾
litación y/o dispositivos de ticos que afecten a sus dere- his or her cultural values.
apoyo eficaces (por ejemplo, chos. Garantizar que las per-
lentes correctores). sonas mayores tengan el q To support aged faith healers that have a great deal of knowledge about
mismo acceso que las jóve- traditional and complementary medicine and to encourage them in their task of
q Evitar las lesiones pro- nes a las becas de desarrollo, passing this knowledge on.
tegiendo a los peatones de a los proyectos que generen
más edad en el tráfico, ha- ingresos y a los programas de 3. To avoid and reduce the burden of excessive disabilities, above all
ciendo que paseen con más crédito. among marginalised populations:
seguridad, poniendo en prác-
tica programas de preven- q Promulgar políticas y q To establish specific objectives by genre in order to improve the health
ción de caídas, eliminando programas de mercado de conditions of elderly people and to reduce disabilities and premature death.
los peligros en el hogar y pro- trabajo y empleo que permi-
porcionando consejos sobre tan la participación de las q To create norms and environments that are favourable to elderly people and
seguridad. personas mayores en traba- that prevent situations that lead to a worsening of their disabilities.
jos gratificantes en idéntica
q Hacer tratamientos efi- proporción a la de otros gru- q To aid continual independence of disabled people, helping them to adapt to
caces y rentables que reduz- pos de edad, según sus ne- the setting in which they live, providing them with rehabilitation services and/or
can las discapacidades (co- cesidades individuales, pre- effective support apparatus (such as corrective lenses).
mo la eliminación de catara- ferencias y capacidades
tas y las prótesis de cadera) (por ejemplo, la eliminación q To avoid injuries by protecting older pedestrians in traffic, helping them to
y sean más accesibles para de la discriminación por cross with greater safety, implementing fall prevention programmes, eliminating
las personas mayores con po- edad en la contratación y dangers at home and providing advice on safety.
cos ingresos. conservación de trabajado-
res mayores). q To ensure effective and beneficial treatment that reduces disabilities (such
q Hacer que las personas as the elimination of cataracts and hip replacements) that is also more
mayores que necesiten me- q Apoyar las reformas de accessible for elderly people on a limited income.
dicamentos seguros e im- pensiones que fomenten la
prescindibles pero que no productividad, un sistema q To ensure that the elderly people who need safe and essential medicine but
puedan costeárselos puedan heterogéneo de planes de who cannot afford it, are able to have access to it in a reasonable manner.
acceder a ellos de forma ase- pensión y alternativas de ju-
quible. bilación más flexibles (por q To promote the development of a range of alternative residences for the
ejemplo, la jubilación gra- elderly that do away with the barriers of personal autonomy and that favour full
q Fomentar el desarrollo dual o parcial). participation in community and family life.
de una gama de alternativas
de viviendas para las perso- q Proporcionar una mayor 4. To permit active participation of elderly people in all aspects of society:
nas mayores que elimine las flexibilidad en los períodos q To include elderly people in the planning, implementation and evaluation of
barreras a la autonomía per- dedicados a la educación, el social development initiatives, in the efforts to reduce poverty and in the political
sonal y favorezca la partici- trabajo y las responsabilida- processes that may affect their rights. To guarantee that the elderly have the
pación plena en la vida co- des de los cuidados durante same access to development grants, income-generating projects and credit
munitaria y familiar. el ciclo vital. programmes as young people.
q To extend policies and programmes concerning the job market and
4. Permitir la participación q Reconocer la contribu- employment that permit the participation of the elderly in worthwhile work in an
ción de las mujeres y los identical proportion to that of other age groups, according to their individual
activa de las personas mayo- hombres mayores en los tra- needs, preferences and capabilities (for example, the elimination of age
res en todos los aspectos de la bajos no remunerados del discrimination in hiring and the maintaining of older workers in jobs).
sociedad: sector informal y en los cui- q To support pension reforms that promote productivity, a standard pension
dados domésticos. plan system and more flexible retirement alternatives (for example, gradual or
q Incluir a las personas partial retirement).
mayores en la planificación, q Reconocer el valor del q To provide greater flexibility in the periods devoted to education, work and
la puesta en práctica y la voluntariado y ampliar las care responsibilities during the life span.
evaluación de las iniciativas oportunidades para que las q To recognise the contribution of older men and women in unpaid work in the
de desarrollo social, en los personas mayores participen informal sector and in domestic caregiving.
esfuerzos para reducir la po- en actividades de voluntaria- q To recognise the value of volunteer work and to extend opportunities so that
older people can take part in worthwhile voluntary activities, especially those who
wish to be volunteers and cannot do so due to health or transport limitations.
q To provide education and training policies and programmes that permit
older people to study throughout their lives and to begin learning new skills,
particularly in the area of information technology and agriculture.
q To provide inter-generational activities at schools and to teach young people
what active ageing consists of.
q To work with the mass media to provide realistic and positive images of
active ageing, as well as educational information for elderly people.
5. To improve health and increase independence, providing elderly people
with protection, above all in hard times:
q To recognise the importance that HIV/AIDS has for older people and to
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