Page 48 - sesesp01_2002
P. 48
048-057EXTRA 27/3/02 14:18 Página 6
seguros igualitarios para di- niveles del gobierno, la so- q To develop culturally appropriate guidelines that are based on the
chos sistemas. ciedad civil y los sectores sin population to promote physical activity among older men and women. To provide
ánimo de lucro. Ayudar al accessible, pleasant and attainable opportunities for being physically active (for
q Mejorar la coordinación sector informal mediante ini- instance, safe walking areas and parks), and to support leaders and groups of
de la atención primaria y los ciativas tales como forma- people of the same age in promoting regular and moderate physical activity for
servicios sociales. ción, asistencia temporal por elderly people.
personal eventual, créditos
q Proporcionar un enfo- de pensiones, subsidios eco- q To develop culturally appropriate guidelines that are based on the
que omnicomprensivo de la nómicos y servicios de enfer- population to promote healthy eating among elderly men and women that can be
atención a largo plazo que mería a domicilio. used as educational and policy tools. To encourage better diets and healthy
fomente la colaboración en- weight in old age, providing information (including that which specifically deals
tre los sectores público y pri- q Garantizar niveles de with the nutritional needs of elderly people), healthy eating policies and
vado e implique a todos los participation to improve oral hygiene in elderly people.
q To take general measures at local, national and international levels in order ➾
to control the commercialisation and use of tobacco products and to provide help
for elderly people to stop smoking.
q To determine the extent of the abuse of alcohol, medication and other drugs
for elderly people and to implement practice and policies to reduce the abuse and
habits involving incorrect prescriptions.
q To offer incentives and training to health and social work professionals so
that they can advise and guide elderly people in positively caring for themselves
and in the practices of a healthy lifestyle.
q To reduce risk of social isolation, supporting the strengthening of the
community and mutual-aid groups, traditional societies, the sphere of activity of
people of the same age, neighbourhood visits and family caregivers.
q To make use of the energies and skills of elderly people, at the same time
helping them to strengthen their self-effectiveness and confidence, along with
their resources for tackling the tasks of everyday life and so that they can set
themselves realistic goals.
q To recognise and support the importance of mental health and spirituality
in ageing.
q To include elderly people in prevention and education efforts so as to reduce
the spread of HIV/AIDS.
2. To develop health and social services systems that highlight the
promotion of health, the prevention of illnesses and the provision of long-
term care that is beneficial, fair and dignified:
q To train health and social workers so that they can make it possible to create
primary health care models and long-term care that recognises the strong points
and the contributions of elderly people.
q To eliminate age discrimination in health and social systems.
q To reduce inequalities in access to primary health and long-term care in
rural and isolated areas, through the use of high-technology solutions (for
example, tele-medicine) and low technology ones (for instance, support for
community-based service programmes).
q To reduce inequalities in access to care among poorer elderly people,
reducing or eliminating the contributions the user makes to the care systems or
providing fair insurance plans for these systems.
q To improve the co-ordination of primary health care and the social services.
q To provide an omnicomprehensive focus on long term care that encourages
co-operation between the public and private sectors and that involves all levels
of government, ordinary society and non-profit organisation sectors. To help the
voluntary sector by means of initiatives such as training, temporary attendance
by casual staff, pension credits, financial subsidies and home nursing services.
q To guarantee levels of high quality and stimulating environments in the
facilities of residential homes. To provide the services necessary to attend to
elderly people with dementia and other mental health problems, as well as
physical problems.
Sesenta y más 53
seguros igualitarios para di- niveles del gobierno, la so- q To develop culturally appropriate guidelines that are based on the
chos sistemas. ciedad civil y los sectores sin population to promote physical activity among older men and women. To provide
ánimo de lucro. Ayudar al accessible, pleasant and attainable opportunities for being physically active (for
q Mejorar la coordinación sector informal mediante ini- instance, safe walking areas and parks), and to support leaders and groups of
de la atención primaria y los ciativas tales como forma- people of the same age in promoting regular and moderate physical activity for
servicios sociales. ción, asistencia temporal por elderly people.
personal eventual, créditos
q Proporcionar un enfo- de pensiones, subsidios eco- q To develop culturally appropriate guidelines that are based on the
que omnicomprensivo de la nómicos y servicios de enfer- population to promote healthy eating among elderly men and women that can be
atención a largo plazo que mería a domicilio. used as educational and policy tools. To encourage better diets and healthy
fomente la colaboración en- weight in old age, providing information (including that which specifically deals
tre los sectores público y pri- q Garantizar niveles de with the nutritional needs of elderly people), healthy eating policies and
vado e implique a todos los participation to improve oral hygiene in elderly people.
q To take general measures at local, national and international levels in order ➾
to control the commercialisation and use of tobacco products and to provide help
for elderly people to stop smoking.
q To determine the extent of the abuse of alcohol, medication and other drugs
for elderly people and to implement practice and policies to reduce the abuse and
habits involving incorrect prescriptions.
q To offer incentives and training to health and social work professionals so
that they can advise and guide elderly people in positively caring for themselves
and in the practices of a healthy lifestyle.
q To reduce risk of social isolation, supporting the strengthening of the
community and mutual-aid groups, traditional societies, the sphere of activity of
people of the same age, neighbourhood visits and family caregivers.
q To make use of the energies and skills of elderly people, at the same time
helping them to strengthen their self-effectiveness and confidence, along with
their resources for tackling the tasks of everyday life and so that they can set
themselves realistic goals.
q To recognise and support the importance of mental health and spirituality
in ageing.
q To include elderly people in prevention and education efforts so as to reduce
the spread of HIV/AIDS.
2. To develop health and social services systems that highlight the
promotion of health, the prevention of illnesses and the provision of long-
term care that is beneficial, fair and dignified:
q To train health and social workers so that they can make it possible to create
primary health care models and long-term care that recognises the strong points
and the contributions of elderly people.
q To eliminate age discrimination in health and social systems.
q To reduce inequalities in access to primary health and long-term care in
rural and isolated areas, through the use of high-technology solutions (for
example, tele-medicine) and low technology ones (for instance, support for
community-based service programmes).
q To reduce inequalities in access to care among poorer elderly people,
reducing or eliminating the contributions the user makes to the care systems or
providing fair insurance plans for these systems.
q To improve the co-ordination of primary health care and the social services.
q To provide an omnicomprehensive focus on long term care that encourages
co-operation between the public and private sectors and that involves all levels
of government, ordinary society and non-profit organisation sectors. To help the
voluntary sector by means of initiatives such as training, temporary attendance
by casual staff, pension credits, financial subsidies and home nursing services.
q To guarantee levels of high quality and stimulating environments in the
facilities of residential homes. To provide the services necessary to attend to
elderly people with dementia and other mental health problems, as well as
physical problems.
Sesenta y más 53