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terramiento o prácticas de lacionados con los distintos provide the financial and health support necessary to other elderly people who
brujería que ponen en peli- determinantes del envejeci- care for family members in terminal states and for orphan grandchildren.
gro su salud. miento activo y de cómo in-
teractúan, del enfoque del q To extend occupational safety norms that protect older workers from injuries
q Reconocer como delito ciclo vital para comprender and to likewise extend the adaptation of the formal and informal work setting so
el abuso de los mayores la vejez y de las políticas y that older workers are able to keep working in a safe and productive manner.
(abuso físico, psicológico, los programas específicos
económico y de desprecio) e que tengan éxito al fomentar q To defend the right of older people to take decisions according to their own
instar al procesamiento de el envejecimiento activo. criteria, even when they are in a weakened condition.
los acusados. Formar a los
encargados de aplicar las le- q Implicar a las personas q To support the provision of a social security network for poor older people
yes, profesionales sanitarios mayores en los esfuerzos pa- who are alone, together with social protection initiatives that improve the quality
y sociales, líderes espiritua- ra desarrollar agendas de in- of their lives.
les, organizaciones de defen- vestigación sobre el envejeci-
sa y grupos de personas ma- miento activo, en calidad q To protect older consumers from unsafe medication and treatment.
yores para que reconozcan tanto de asesores como de q To explicitly recognise the right and the need of older people to have a safe
este abuso y se ocupen de él. investigadores. and appropriate place of shelter, above all in times of conflict and crisis. To
provide home help for elderly people when it is necessary (paying special
q Aumentar la toma de q Difundir los resultados attention to those who live alone) by means of rent subsidies, residential co-
conciencia de lo injusto que de los trabajos de investiga- operative initiatives, assistance in fitting out a residence, etc.
es abusar de los mayores (so- ción fiables sobre envejeci- q To specifically recognise the need to protect the elderly in emergency
bre todo la violencia domés- miento, de forma que pue- situations and act accordingly (for example, providing transport to assistance
tica contra las mujeres ma- dan entenderse fácilmente y centres for those who are unable to walk there). To recognise the contribution that
yores y viudas) mediante ser usados por los responsa- the elderly can make a recovery in the aftermath of an emergency situation and
campañas de información bles políticos, los medios de to include them in recovery initiatives.
pública y de concienciación. información, los grupos de q To recognise crimes committed against the elderly during the war and to
Involucrar a los medios de personas mayores y el públi- bring the criminals to trial.
información y a los jóvenes, co en general. q To pass laws that protects widows from the theft of their property and
así como a las personas ma- possessions and against harmful practices such as burial rituals or witchcraft
yores, en estos esfuerzos. Con el lanzamiento del that may endanger their health.
Plan Internacional de Medi- q To recognise the abuse of the elderly (physical, psychological, financial and
6. Fomentar la investigación y das para el Envejecimiento, neglectful abuse) as a crime and to bring proceedings against the offenders. To
la Asamblea General de las encourage those responsible for shaping laws, social work and health
compartir los conocimientos: NN.UU. sobre Envejeci- professionals, spiritual leaders, defence organisations and elderly persons
miento (1982) marcó el groups to recognise this abuse and concern themselves with it.
q Aclarar y popularizar el punto de inflexión en la to- q To increase awareness of how unfair it is to abuse the elderly (especially
término “envejecimiento ac- ma de conciencia de los de- domestic violence against elderly women and widows) through public
tivo” a través del diálogo, la safíos que supone un mun- information and awareness-raising campaigns. To involve the mass media and
discusión y el debate en la do que envejece. young people, as well as the elderly, in these efforts.
arena política, los foros pú- 6. To encourage research and share knowledge:
blicos y los medios de comu- En abril de 2002, la Se- q To clarify and popularise the term “active ageing” by means of dialogue,
nicación (programas de radio gunda Asamblea Mundial de discussion, and debate in the political arena, public forums and the mass media.
y televisión). la ONU sobre Envejecimiento q To help developing countries to compile and analyse relevant information in
se celebrará en Madrid. En order to draft policies on population ageing.
q Ayudar a todos los pa- ella se adoptará un plan de q To publish a more detailed analysis of the facts related to the different
íses en vías de desarrollo acción internacional revisado determinants of active ageing and how these interact, the focus on life span in
en la recogida y análisis de sobre el envejecimiento. order to understand ageing and the specific policies and programmes that are
la información pertinente successful in fostering active ageing.
para elaborar políticas so- La OMS está preparada q To involve the elderly in efforts to develop research agendas concerning
bre el envejecimiento de la para contribuir al proceso active ageing, both in the capacity as advisers and as researchers.
población. con un marco para el debate q To broadcast the results of the reliable research work into ageing in such a
en el desarrollo de una estra- manner that it can easily be understood and be used by decision takers, the mass
q Publicar análisis más tegia global sobre el enveje- media, elderly persons groups and the general public.
detallados de los hechos re- cimiento y la salud. With the launch of the International Plan of Ageing Measures, the UN
General Assembly on Ageing (1982) established a pivotal point in awareness
of the challenges that an ageing world entails. The Second UN World Assembly
on ageing will be held in Madrid, Spain in April 2002. This assembly will adopt
an international action plan.
The WHO is ready to contribute to this process by providing a framework for
debate about the development of a global strategy on ageing and health.

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