Page 60 - sesesp01_2002
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En algunos países casos, hasta hace poco, se- Kingdom is taking the lead in this field, ongoing education is also being accepted
de África y Asia, guía aumentando. Además, in a series of industrialised countries as a necessary strategy for continuous
el alcance de la una parte significativa de es- development. However, many issues such as financing still remain to be settled.
seguridad social ta población solamente está
llega sólo al 5% cubierta por unas pocas con- 3. Information and communication technologies and elderly workers
de la población tingencias. Las personas que Rapid technological advances require the constant renewal and updating of
han trabajado en la econo- knowledge. At the same time, new technologies can contribute towards
los conocimientos teóricos y mía informal, principalmen- extending working life and opening up new possibilities of employment for the
prácticos. La promoción y te mujeres, es probable que disabled elderly at all levels of knowledge.
conservación de la capaci- cuando sean mayores no ten- Apart from elderly workers, the inclusion of the elderly in the information
dad de trabajo tienen que gan ningún tipo de ingresos society is a great challenge. And it is likely that the elderly are exposed to a risk,
considerarse una estrategia o que sean muy bajos. Existe that of isolation, and from this marginalisation follows. Internet and other ICT
activa para hacer frente a los un número relativamente pe- offer possibilities of overcoming this.
desafíos del cambio demo- queño de países en desarro-
gráfico y del mercado de tra- llo, por ejemplo en el Caribe, 4. Safe and appropiate working conditions
bajo. Mejorar la capacidad India, América Latina y Su- The capacity and intent of the elderly to keep working also depend on their
de trabajo es también un ins- dáfrica, que proporcionan personal state of health, working conditions and motivation. The ILO
trumento para prevenir tanto unos ingresos mínimos a las Recommendation about elderly workers, 1980 (number 162) deals with
la pérdida prematura de ca- personas mayores. En la ma- determining and eliminating the dangers of professional health and the
pacidades funcionales como yoría de países industrializa- conditions that reduce the capacity of the elderly to work.
la discapacidad. dos, el alcance de la seguri- The employability of elderly workers is strongly influenced by individual and
dad social es de casi un 100 professional factors. The capacity to work is the result of the interaction between
PROTECCIÓN SOCIAL Y por ciento. the resources of the individual, working conditions and the organisation of work.
ENVEJECIMIENTO The individual resources of the person include health, the functional capacity,
2. Financiación de la protec- basic education and the theoretical and practical knowledge that he has. The
1. Seguridad e ingresos. ción social. promotion and maintenance of the capacity to work have to be considered as an
El envejecimiento plantea active strategy for facing up to the challenges of demographic change and the
Se dice que los sistemas job market. Improving capacity to work is also an instrument for preventing both
problemas importantes en de financiación de la protec- the premature loss of functional capacities and disability.
cuanto a seguridad e ingre- ción social contemporáneos
sos, especialmente en los están mal preparados para SOCIAL PROTECTION AND AGEING
países en desarrollo. En Afri- tratar el problema del enve-
ca Subsahariana y Asia Meri- jecimiento de las poblacio- 1. Security and income
dional, el alcance personal nes. De hecho, todos los pla- Ageing raises considerable problems in terms of security and income,
de la seguridad social se es- nes de pensiones, tanto si especially in developing countries. In sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia,
tima que es del 5 al 10 por son de pago efectivo, con social security reaches 5 to 10 per cent of individuals among the active
ciento de la población activa fondos depositados previa- population, and in some cases, less. In Latin America, the extent of social
y en algunos casos, menor. mente o una combinación de security varies a lot according to the countries, ranging from 10 to 80 per cent.
En América Latina, el alcan- los dos, son mecanismos pa- However, there does not seem to be a general state monopoly. In east and south-
ce varía mucho según los pa- ra dividir los ingresos nacio- east Asia, the figure can vary between 10 and almost 100 per cent, and in some
íses, pasando del 10 al 80 nales actuales entre los tra- cases, it was still on the increase until recently. In addition, a significant part
por ciento. Sin embargo, no bajadores activos y jubila- of this population is covered by only a few contingencies.
parece haber un estanca- dos. Si el índice de trabaja- It is likely that when the people who have worked in the black economy,
miento general. En el este y dores activos aumenta a tra- principally women, get older they will not have any type of income or their
el sudeste asiático, puede bajadores jubilados, cambiar income level will be very low. There are a relatively small number of developing
variar entre el 10 y casi el los mecanismos de financia- countries, for example in the Caribbean, India, Latin America and South Africa
100 por ciento y en algunos ción no solucionará el pro- that provide a minimal level of income for the elderly. In most industrialised
blema del aumento de los countries, social security covers almost 100 per cent of the relevant population.
costes de las pensiones. Es
necesario encontrar una so- 2. The financing of social protection
It is said that contemporaneous social protection financing systems are badly
prepared for treating the problem of population ageing. In fact, all pension plans,
whether they are ongoing contributory plans, or based on previously deposited
funds, or a combination of the two, are mechanisms for dividing up the current

➾national revenue among active and retired workers. If the index of workers is

extended to retired workers, changing the financing mechanisms does not solve

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