Page 20 - sesesp01_2002
P. 20
¿Qué objetivo o reto le parece a usted más What objective or challenge seems
importante del Plan de Acción de la most important to you in the Action Plan of
the II World Assembly on Ageing?
II Asamblea Mundial sobre el Envejecimiento?
grante de la estrategia global de las políticas de to population ageing is an issue for men and women of all ANNA
refuerzo mutuo lanzada en Lisboa. ages. A life course approach considering the specific
needs of women and men can help the development of DIAMANTOPOULOU
q Mientras las condiciones y oportunidades adequate policy responses. Issues of reconciliation of
para los ancianos actuales son una preocupa- work and family life for both men and women, the Comisaria de Empleo
ción importante en cualquier momento, amol- provision of adequate care for children and older people, y Asuntos Sociales
darse bien al envejecimiento de la población es the improvement of employment opportunities for women de la UE
un problema para las personas de todas las and the prevention of poor health and income for older
edades. Un enfoque del curso vital puede ayu- women take on particular importance. The multiple INGENIERO CIVIL por la Uni-
dar a desarrollar respuestas políticas adecua- benefits to individuals and society from a policy versidad de Tesalónica y
das. También se acentúan las múltiples venta- framework of active ageing, which enables women and máster en Desarrollo Regio-
jas para las personas y la sociedad de un marco men to continue to be active and to contribute as they nal por la Universidad de
político de envejecimiento activo, que permita a age, are also emphasised. Atenas, comenzó su carrera
las personas seguir siendo activas y participar a poítica a los 26 años como
medida que envejecen. The Commission will shortly adopt a Communication, gobernadora de Kastoria,
"Europe's response to World Ageing - Promoting donde se preocupó espe-
q También debe prestarse la debida aten- economic and social progress in an ageing world" in view cialmente de los problemas
ción a la diversidad que existe a escala global. of the 2nd World Assembly on Ageing, ambientales de una región
La realidad del envejecimiento depende del cuya economía se basaba
contexto socioeconómico y cultural en el que While the main chapters are devoted to locating fundamentalmente en el co-
viven las personas. Estas dimensiones también European ageing in the context of world ageing. Beyond mercio de pieles. Poco des-
desempeñan un papel importante en cómo es- the EU experience of responding to ageing, the pués, fue nombrada Secreta-
tablecen los países sus respuestas prioritarias a Communication considers ageing issues in relation to the ria General de Educación y
los retos que suscita el envejecimiento. A su applicant countries and to the developing countries de la Juventud, cargo desde
vez, es posible que las respuestas políticas ac- around the world, with a view to offering some ideas for el que impulsó el turismo
tuales y futuras sean diferentes en cada país. A the new international plan of action on ageing. As such I rural con programas espe-
pesar de tales diferencias, los países pueden hope that the Communication can serve as a good basis ciales de formación.
aprender y beneficiarse de la experiencia de for the EU position for this very important conference. PRIMERA PARLAMENTARIA
unos y otros. Para aprovechar esta oportunidad de la circunscripción de Ko-
deberían reforzarse los mecanismos internacio- The proposed approach to ageing is based on three zani, elegida en 1996, fue
nales que mejor puedan informar las políticas main points: nombrada Ministra adjunta
públicas en todo el mundo. de Desarrollo encargada de
q Ageing is not a separate issue to be tackled in la división de Industria, du-
Europe's response to ageing is an integrated part isolation from other ones. It is the outcome of a rante su mandato se produ-
of the overall strategy of mutually reinforcing combination of several societal developments and it jeron importantes proyectos
policies launched at Lisbon. We are currently should be viewed as a phenomenon that interacts with and de privatización de empre-
tackling a number of challenges: adjusting well to impacts on other major developments. Europe's response sas con problemas, sobre
an ageing and shrinking workforce; ensuring adequate, to ageing is therefore developed as an integrated part of todo de construcción naval.
sustainable and adaptable pensions; and achieving high the overall strategy of mutually reinforcing policies Tres años después, en sep-
quality health and long term care for ageing Europeans. launched at Lisbon. tiembre de 1999, es nom-
Moreover, there are crucial gender dimensions to brada Comisaria de Empleo
population ageing, which cut across all policy areas. q While conditions and opportunities for the presently y Asuntos Sociales.
Women still provide the bulk of care for children and old are an important concern at any time, adjusting well
dependent older people. In most EU countries women to population ageing is an issue for people of all ages. A
furthermore represent the main labour force reserve for life course approach can help the development of
mobilisation in response to ageing. Significant adequate policy responses. The multiple benefits to
differences in average life expectancy of the genders individuals and society from a policy framework of active
imply that older women form the bulk of the population of ageing, which enables people to continue to be active and
older people in all EU Member States. to contribute as they age, are emphasised.
Europe, which is among the most aged regions of the q The existing diversity at global level should also be
world and European countries, will continue to be at the given due attention. The realities of ageing depend on
forefront of ageing experience for several decades to the socio-economic and cultural context in which people
come. Yet, ageing is no longer primarily a concern for the live. These dimensions also play an important role for
developed world. In the 21st Century ageing will become a how countries form their priority responses to the
universal trend and emerge as a major challenge to challenges raised by ageing. In turn current and
societies in most parts of the world. prospective policy responses are likely to differ among
countries. Despite such differences, countries can learn
While conditions and opportunities for the presently and profit from each other's experience. To take
old are an important concern at any time, adjusting well advantage of this opportunity international mechanisms
that can best inform public policies around the world
should be strengthened.
Sesenta y más 25
¿Qué objetivo o reto le parece a usted más What objective or challenge seems
importante del Plan de Acción de la most important to you in the Action Plan of
the II World Assembly on Ageing?
II Asamblea Mundial sobre el Envejecimiento?
grante de la estrategia global de las políticas de to population ageing is an issue for men and women of all ANNA
refuerzo mutuo lanzada en Lisboa. ages. A life course approach considering the specific
needs of women and men can help the development of DIAMANTOPOULOU
q Mientras las condiciones y oportunidades adequate policy responses. Issues of reconciliation of
para los ancianos actuales son una preocupa- work and family life for both men and women, the Comisaria de Empleo
ción importante en cualquier momento, amol- provision of adequate care for children and older people, y Asuntos Sociales
darse bien al envejecimiento de la población es the improvement of employment opportunities for women de la UE
un problema para las personas de todas las and the prevention of poor health and income for older
edades. Un enfoque del curso vital puede ayu- women take on particular importance. The multiple INGENIERO CIVIL por la Uni-
dar a desarrollar respuestas políticas adecua- benefits to individuals and society from a policy versidad de Tesalónica y
das. También se acentúan las múltiples venta- framework of active ageing, which enables women and máster en Desarrollo Regio-
jas para las personas y la sociedad de un marco men to continue to be active and to contribute as they nal por la Universidad de
político de envejecimiento activo, que permita a age, are also emphasised. Atenas, comenzó su carrera
las personas seguir siendo activas y participar a poítica a los 26 años como
medida que envejecen. The Commission will shortly adopt a Communication, gobernadora de Kastoria,
"Europe's response to World Ageing - Promoting donde se preocupó espe-
q También debe prestarse la debida aten- economic and social progress in an ageing world" in view cialmente de los problemas
ción a la diversidad que existe a escala global. of the 2nd World Assembly on Ageing, ambientales de una región
La realidad del envejecimiento depende del cuya economía se basaba
contexto socioeconómico y cultural en el que While the main chapters are devoted to locating fundamentalmente en el co-
viven las personas. Estas dimensiones también European ageing in the context of world ageing. Beyond mercio de pieles. Poco des-
desempeñan un papel importante en cómo es- the EU experience of responding to ageing, the pués, fue nombrada Secreta-
tablecen los países sus respuestas prioritarias a Communication considers ageing issues in relation to the ria General de Educación y
los retos que suscita el envejecimiento. A su applicant countries and to the developing countries de la Juventud, cargo desde
vez, es posible que las respuestas políticas ac- around the world, with a view to offering some ideas for el que impulsó el turismo
tuales y futuras sean diferentes en cada país. A the new international plan of action on ageing. As such I rural con programas espe-
pesar de tales diferencias, los países pueden hope that the Communication can serve as a good basis ciales de formación.
aprender y beneficiarse de la experiencia de for the EU position for this very important conference. PRIMERA PARLAMENTARIA
unos y otros. Para aprovechar esta oportunidad de la circunscripción de Ko-
deberían reforzarse los mecanismos internacio- The proposed approach to ageing is based on three zani, elegida en 1996, fue
nales que mejor puedan informar las políticas main points: nombrada Ministra adjunta
públicas en todo el mundo. de Desarrollo encargada de
q Ageing is not a separate issue to be tackled in la división de Industria, du-
Europe's response to ageing is an integrated part isolation from other ones. It is the outcome of a rante su mandato se produ-
of the overall strategy of mutually reinforcing combination of several societal developments and it jeron importantes proyectos
policies launched at Lisbon. We are currently should be viewed as a phenomenon that interacts with and de privatización de empre-
tackling a number of challenges: adjusting well to impacts on other major developments. Europe's response sas con problemas, sobre
an ageing and shrinking workforce; ensuring adequate, to ageing is therefore developed as an integrated part of todo de construcción naval.
sustainable and adaptable pensions; and achieving high the overall strategy of mutually reinforcing policies Tres años después, en sep-
quality health and long term care for ageing Europeans. launched at Lisbon. tiembre de 1999, es nom-
Moreover, there are crucial gender dimensions to brada Comisaria de Empleo
population ageing, which cut across all policy areas. q While conditions and opportunities for the presently y Asuntos Sociales.
Women still provide the bulk of care for children and old are an important concern at any time, adjusting well
dependent older people. In most EU countries women to population ageing is an issue for people of all ages. A
furthermore represent the main labour force reserve for life course approach can help the development of
mobilisation in response to ageing. Significant adequate policy responses. The multiple benefits to
differences in average life expectancy of the genders individuals and society from a policy framework of active
imply that older women form the bulk of the population of ageing, which enables people to continue to be active and
older people in all EU Member States. to contribute as they age, are emphasised.
Europe, which is among the most aged regions of the q The existing diversity at global level should also be
world and European countries, will continue to be at the given due attention. The realities of ageing depend on
forefront of ageing experience for several decades to the socio-economic and cultural context in which people
come. Yet, ageing is no longer primarily a concern for the live. These dimensions also play an important role for
developed world. In the 21st Century ageing will become a how countries form their priority responses to the
universal trend and emerge as a major challenge to challenges raised by ageing. In turn current and
societies in most parts of the world. prospective policy responses are likely to differ among
countries. Despite such differences, countries can learn
While conditions and opportunities for the presently and profit from each other's experience. To take
old are an important concern at any time, adjusting well advantage of this opportunity international mechanisms
that can best inform public policies around the world
should be strengthened.
Sesenta y más 25