Page 11 - sesesp01_2002
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Nations for, since it is an excellent the global and co-ordinated character that creator of these Awards. I intend to
opportunity to get to know the Spanish the meeting seeks. contribute my grain of sand by supporting
experience on these subjects at the global their example and testimony with my
level. As regards improvements for the elderly, presence.
I would specify these as going in two
I would like my contribution to be directions: prolonging and guaranteeing Your Highness was fortunate to enjoy
orientated in the sense of placing greater their quality of life, which is not merely your grandparents for many years. What
emphasis on the role that we all have to reduced to its material or care aspects, and kind of relationship did you have with
assume in accepting global ageing as a seeking a more active role for them in them? And, from everything that you
natural and inevitable fact and so society. learned from them, what do you
extracting the greatest number of positive remember most?
consequences from this situation. I hope that all the good initiatives that
come out of this II Assembly are passed on I have been fortunate to live very closely
The family is the natural framework for in a practical manner by the greatest with Queen Federica and the Count and
meeting, learning and exchange between number of countries, in such a way that the Countess of Barcelona. This has enabled
people and generations. Regrettably, at elderly can benefit from them as quickly as me to enjoy my grandparents in the widest
this time, many young people are immersed possible. sense of the word, at home, on holidays, on
in a world that is too busy and doing things trips...
too quickly. So, the contribution of elderly Being older in a developing country is
people in this field is fundamental in harder than in a developed country. Is And also I have been to learn their
conveying their experience, their example, anything going to be dome from the II essential lessons; optimism to overcome
their dedication and affection towards Assembly to improve the situation of the difficulties, the sense of duty and
other family members. elderly in poor countries? experience and understanding of people
and events, which has helped me a lot
This II World Assembly is doubtless going 80% of the elderly today live in throughout my life.
to provide a series of keys which are going developing countries, so being actively
to put everybody in the situation of better concerned with seeking to provide solutions Your parents are also grandparents. Are
understanding why our social fabric bears a is, as it happens, a leading and inevitable you instilling what is important in personal
great weight both for us and for the younger obligation. But it also has to be said that development in your children, this close
generations in the society in which we live. we have a lot to learn from their world. This relationship that is established between
This will help us to understand it better. is because while life in these countries is grandparents and grandchildren?
more difficult for everyone in a material
Do you think that the holding of events sense, and hence for older people, many of The King and Queen are magnificent
such as the II World Assembly on Ageing those cultures have a level of consideration grandparents. It is enough to see them
helps to improve the situation of the and integration that we would like to enjoy enjoying been with their grandchildren
elderly in our society? in the more advanced countries. when they are with them. My children are
delighted by this natural and spontaneous
Obviously. It provides a forum of global Your Highness has presided over the form of relationship, in the same way as
importance, in which very well qualified IMSERSO Awards for the last seven year, with their other grandparents. The natural
public and private experts and demonstrating with this a special manner of affection and respect that I have
organisations take part. It also has a series sensitivity towards the groups that this in my relationship with them. And the way
of very interesting parallel activities. We Institution deals with: elderly people, the in which my parents enjoy teaching my
can expect substantial progress in the disabled and immigrants. Do you think children and how they fill them with hope,
subjects to be dealt with. that your support has helped to improve especially the new things they are teaching
the situation of these groups? my eldest son at this time, is absolutely
The slogan of the Assembly is a Society wonderful. I can only thank God for what
for all ages. This means shedding light on Each one of the award-winners, and they are able to enjoy with their
new policies and projects, both economic those who work every day without seeking grandparents in this relationship as I
and cultural and social and leisure ones. or receiving recompense has merit. And of enjoyed the relationship with mine.
Some of these are already being course, credit goes to IMSERSO as the
undertaken, sometimes with notable
success, although they do not always have
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opportunity to get to know the Spanish the meeting seeks. contribute my grain of sand by supporting
experience on these subjects at the global their example and testimony with my
level. As regards improvements for the elderly, presence.
I would specify these as going in two
I would like my contribution to be directions: prolonging and guaranteeing Your Highness was fortunate to enjoy
orientated in the sense of placing greater their quality of life, which is not merely your grandparents for many years. What
emphasis on the role that we all have to reduced to its material or care aspects, and kind of relationship did you have with
assume in accepting global ageing as a seeking a more active role for them in them? And, from everything that you
natural and inevitable fact and so society. learned from them, what do you
extracting the greatest number of positive remember most?
consequences from this situation. I hope that all the good initiatives that
come out of this II Assembly are passed on I have been fortunate to live very closely
The family is the natural framework for in a practical manner by the greatest with Queen Federica and the Count and
meeting, learning and exchange between number of countries, in such a way that the Countess of Barcelona. This has enabled
people and generations. Regrettably, at elderly can benefit from them as quickly as me to enjoy my grandparents in the widest
this time, many young people are immersed possible. sense of the word, at home, on holidays, on
in a world that is too busy and doing things trips...
too quickly. So, the contribution of elderly Being older in a developing country is
people in this field is fundamental in harder than in a developed country. Is And also I have been to learn their
conveying their experience, their example, anything going to be dome from the II essential lessons; optimism to overcome
their dedication and affection towards Assembly to improve the situation of the difficulties, the sense of duty and
other family members. elderly in poor countries? experience and understanding of people
and events, which has helped me a lot
This II World Assembly is doubtless going 80% of the elderly today live in throughout my life.
to provide a series of keys which are going developing countries, so being actively
to put everybody in the situation of better concerned with seeking to provide solutions Your parents are also grandparents. Are
understanding why our social fabric bears a is, as it happens, a leading and inevitable you instilling what is important in personal
great weight both for us and for the younger obligation. But it also has to be said that development in your children, this close
generations in the society in which we live. we have a lot to learn from their world. This relationship that is established between
This will help us to understand it better. is because while life in these countries is grandparents and grandchildren?
more difficult for everyone in a material
Do you think that the holding of events sense, and hence for older people, many of The King and Queen are magnificent
such as the II World Assembly on Ageing those cultures have a level of consideration grandparents. It is enough to see them
helps to improve the situation of the and integration that we would like to enjoy enjoying been with their grandchildren
elderly in our society? in the more advanced countries. when they are with them. My children are
delighted by this natural and spontaneous
Obviously. It provides a forum of global Your Highness has presided over the form of relationship, in the same way as
importance, in which very well qualified IMSERSO Awards for the last seven year, with their other grandparents. The natural
public and private experts and demonstrating with this a special manner of affection and respect that I have
organisations take part. It also has a series sensitivity towards the groups that this in my relationship with them. And the way
of very interesting parallel activities. We Institution deals with: elderly people, the in which my parents enjoy teaching my
can expect substantial progress in the disabled and immigrants. Do you think children and how they fill them with hope,
subjects to be dealt with. that your support has helped to improve especially the new things they are teaching
the situation of these groups? my eldest son at this time, is absolutely
The slogan of the Assembly is a Society wonderful. I can only thank God for what
for all ages. This means shedding light on Each one of the award-winners, and they are able to enjoy with their
new policies and projects, both economic those who work every day without seeking grandparents in this relationship as I
and cultural and social and leisure ones. or receiving recompense has merit. And of enjoyed the relationship with mine.
Some of these are already being course, credit goes to IMSERSO as the
undertaken, sometimes with notable
success, although they do not always have
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