Page 88 - sesesp01_2002
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familiares. Sus defensores espera que las tasas de insti- Doctors, social workers, nurses and other similar professionalsare bound by
indican que el problema tucionalización, y el riesgo law to report any presumed case of ill-treatment, abandonment or
mundial se afrontará eficaz- de malos tratos instituciona- exploitation. The effectiveness of this obligation in so far as it concerns the
mente cuando las necesida- les, se mantengan en niveles response to and protection against the ill-treatment of the elderly is a
des y los derechos básicos bajos. No obstante, a medi- controversial subject. These professionals are reluctant to report ill-
de la gente se atiendan y res- da que aumenten los cuida- treatment. Some people argue that this obligation endangers the autonomy of
peten durante toda su vida. dos en contextos comunita- the aged or create expectations or a level of demand on the medical or social
Los malos tratos durante la rios y familiares, y dadas las services, which the community cannot satisfy. It is further recognised that in
vejez pueden estar vincula- previsiones del aumento de situations in which an elderly person suffers mental health problems and
dos a la incapacidad de la la proporción de personas de requires advice, resorting to this law may be counter-effective.
persona de disponer de unos edad, también se prevé que
medios económicos suficien- aumente la incidencia de 3.- Action and prevention programmes. Action in institutions includes official
tes para alcanzar la vejez con maltrato. En aquellos lugares response mechanisms for the reports. The establishing of care norms and
dignidad y a la falta de opor- donde el problema se va requirements for contracting staff, together with periodic inspections of the
tunidades para poder llegar a reconociendo, es probable residences are obligatory conditions in some places, in spite of the fact that the
disponer de dichos medios. que haya más denuncias. degree of compliance with these factors may vary. Other mechanisms concern
advising residents, family committees and defence programmes for residents.
En contextos en los que Se necesita mejorar la The success of the programmes depends on the level of commitment that the
las personas de todas la eda- base de conocimientos y ela- management of the centres maintains towards the quality of caring, good
des se beneficien del desa- borar directrices para el esta- working conditions and creativity in resolving problems. The criteria for
rrollo social y económico blecimiento de estrategias y contracting staff that excludes candidates with a history of ill-treatment and
para afrontar las causas programas de intervención y recruits those who demonstrate empathy with the aged and the capacity to cope
estructurales de la pobreza, prevención. Un mejor cono- with stress and face up to conflict situations can have an important role.
también mejorará la seguri- cimiento del carácter y el
dad física y emocional de las grado de maltrato puede ser- The action taken in some community settings includes the provision of
personas de edad, aumenta- vir para sensibilizar al públi- refuge and social services connected to the victims. Volunteer services,
rá su sensación de bienestar co, contribuir al reconoci- neighbourhood networks, community support groups, religious organisations
y reducirá su vulnerabilidad. miento del problema y a la and family support programmes have also performed an important function.
denuncia y mejorar la proba- This support may include home services, day-care centres for older adults and
La vulnerabilidad puede bilidad de ofrecer respues- temporary care programmes. In some contexts, shelters and emergency homes
reducirse también ayudándo- tas. Algunos grupos que tra- have been established for urgent cases.
las a mantenerse productivas bajan estrechamente con
para seguir contribuyendo a personas de edad pueden 4.- Violence and action based on rights. In some contexts, ill-treatment may
la sociedad, la comunidad y beneficiarse de una capaci- be part of a wider panorama of poverty, structural imbalance and other human
la familia. Puede alentarse a tación especializada. rights problems. These circumstances are usually accompanied by a low level of
las sociedades a fomentar un detection, an absence of formal response mechanisms for ill-treatment and a
clima contrario a la discrimi- El progreso en la investi- lack of resources to combat violence against the elderly or to help these people
nación por razones de edad, gación y en la adopción de to prevent ill-treatment. Such action can help to improve the general living
en el que los derechos de las medidas no podrá lograrse conditions of the elderly and to reduce the infringement of their rights and the
personas de edad a la inde- sin un compromiso político, rights of other sectors of the population. Non-governmental organisations often
pendencia, la participación, una base sólida en materia perform an important task. For instance, organisations for the aged have been
los cuidados, la autorrealiza- de derechos humanos y un strengthened with the aim of improving the quality of life and physical safety of
ción y la dignidad sean reco- apoyo jurídico. Las resolucio- these people. Meanwhile, the vulnerability of elderly women has been reduced
nocidos y apoyados. nes intergubernamentales through improving their physical, human and social resources. Literacy
pueden proporcionar una programmes have been proven to be effective in reducing the vulnerability of
Hay una tendencia a dis- plataforma de acción mun- such people to exploitation and in strengthening their knowledge of their rights,
minuir la dependencia con dial y una base de iniciativas access to rights and services and their capacity to overcome discrimination and
respecto a los cuidados insti- nacionales para garantizar resist violence. The purpose of other actions is to improve education and health,
tucionales en favor de los que se protege a las perso- develop the ability to generate income, improve the assets of elderly people and
basados en la familia que nas de edad de la violencia y reduce their vulnerability to sudden changes in their environment.
cuenten con el apoyo de los los malos tratos.
servicios comunitarios. Se 5.- National and international non-governmental organisations. There are
national action groups and organisations and international networks in all
contexts that promote different kinds of response. Their activities include the
promotion and improvement of awareness and education about ill-treatment,
lobbying activities that seek the passing of legislation and policies in this
regard, the promotion of research and the spreading of information. They also
provide help services that guide, encourage and support response strategies
and programmes for the ill-treatment of the elderly and that seek to protect
vulnerable elderly people.
Sesenta y más 93
familiares. Sus defensores espera que las tasas de insti- Doctors, social workers, nurses and other similar professionalsare bound by
indican que el problema tucionalización, y el riesgo law to report any presumed case of ill-treatment, abandonment or
mundial se afrontará eficaz- de malos tratos instituciona- exploitation. The effectiveness of this obligation in so far as it concerns the
mente cuando las necesida- les, se mantengan en niveles response to and protection against the ill-treatment of the elderly is a
des y los derechos básicos bajos. No obstante, a medi- controversial subject. These professionals are reluctant to report ill-
de la gente se atiendan y res- da que aumenten los cuida- treatment. Some people argue that this obligation endangers the autonomy of
peten durante toda su vida. dos en contextos comunita- the aged or create expectations or a level of demand on the medical or social
Los malos tratos durante la rios y familiares, y dadas las services, which the community cannot satisfy. It is further recognised that in
vejez pueden estar vincula- previsiones del aumento de situations in which an elderly person suffers mental health problems and
dos a la incapacidad de la la proporción de personas de requires advice, resorting to this law may be counter-effective.
persona de disponer de unos edad, también se prevé que
medios económicos suficien- aumente la incidencia de 3.- Action and prevention programmes. Action in institutions includes official
tes para alcanzar la vejez con maltrato. En aquellos lugares response mechanisms for the reports. The establishing of care norms and
dignidad y a la falta de opor- donde el problema se va requirements for contracting staff, together with periodic inspections of the
tunidades para poder llegar a reconociendo, es probable residences are obligatory conditions in some places, in spite of the fact that the
disponer de dichos medios. que haya más denuncias. degree of compliance with these factors may vary. Other mechanisms concern
advising residents, family committees and defence programmes for residents.
En contextos en los que Se necesita mejorar la The success of the programmes depends on the level of commitment that the
las personas de todas la eda- base de conocimientos y ela- management of the centres maintains towards the quality of caring, good
des se beneficien del desa- borar directrices para el esta- working conditions and creativity in resolving problems. The criteria for
rrollo social y económico blecimiento de estrategias y contracting staff that excludes candidates with a history of ill-treatment and
para afrontar las causas programas de intervención y recruits those who demonstrate empathy with the aged and the capacity to cope
estructurales de la pobreza, prevención. Un mejor cono- with stress and face up to conflict situations can have an important role.
también mejorará la seguri- cimiento del carácter y el
dad física y emocional de las grado de maltrato puede ser- The action taken in some community settings includes the provision of
personas de edad, aumenta- vir para sensibilizar al públi- refuge and social services connected to the victims. Volunteer services,
rá su sensación de bienestar co, contribuir al reconoci- neighbourhood networks, community support groups, religious organisations
y reducirá su vulnerabilidad. miento del problema y a la and family support programmes have also performed an important function.
denuncia y mejorar la proba- This support may include home services, day-care centres for older adults and
La vulnerabilidad puede bilidad de ofrecer respues- temporary care programmes. In some contexts, shelters and emergency homes
reducirse también ayudándo- tas. Algunos grupos que tra- have been established for urgent cases.
las a mantenerse productivas bajan estrechamente con
para seguir contribuyendo a personas de edad pueden 4.- Violence and action based on rights. In some contexts, ill-treatment may
la sociedad, la comunidad y beneficiarse de una capaci- be part of a wider panorama of poverty, structural imbalance and other human
la familia. Puede alentarse a tación especializada. rights problems. These circumstances are usually accompanied by a low level of
las sociedades a fomentar un detection, an absence of formal response mechanisms for ill-treatment and a
clima contrario a la discrimi- El progreso en la investi- lack of resources to combat violence against the elderly or to help these people
nación por razones de edad, gación y en la adopción de to prevent ill-treatment. Such action can help to improve the general living
en el que los derechos de las medidas no podrá lograrse conditions of the elderly and to reduce the infringement of their rights and the
personas de edad a la inde- sin un compromiso político, rights of other sectors of the population. Non-governmental organisations often
pendencia, la participación, una base sólida en materia perform an important task. For instance, organisations for the aged have been
los cuidados, la autorrealiza- de derechos humanos y un strengthened with the aim of improving the quality of life and physical safety of
ción y la dignidad sean reco- apoyo jurídico. Las resolucio- these people. Meanwhile, the vulnerability of elderly women has been reduced
nocidos y apoyados. nes intergubernamentales through improving their physical, human and social resources. Literacy
pueden proporcionar una programmes have been proven to be effective in reducing the vulnerability of
Hay una tendencia a dis- plataforma de acción mun- such people to exploitation and in strengthening their knowledge of their rights,
minuir la dependencia con dial y una base de iniciativas access to rights and services and their capacity to overcome discrimination and
respecto a los cuidados insti- nacionales para garantizar resist violence. The purpose of other actions is to improve education and health,
tucionales en favor de los que se protege a las perso- develop the ability to generate income, improve the assets of elderly people and
basados en la familia que nas de edad de la violencia y reduce their vulnerability to sudden changes in their environment.
cuenten con el apoyo de los los malos tratos.
servicios comunitarios. Se 5.- National and international non-governmental organisations. There are
national action groups and organisations and international networks in all
contexts that promote different kinds of response. Their activities include the
promotion and improvement of awareness and education about ill-treatment,
lobbying activities that seek the passing of legislation and policies in this
regard, the promotion of research and the spreading of information. They also
provide help services that guide, encourage and support response strategies
and programmes for the ill-treatment of the elderly and that seek to protect
vulnerable elderly people.
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