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necesidades de las personas mayores: THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL ELDERLY FAIR
moda senior, alimentos especiales,
vestidos adaptados a sus gustos, herra- T he First International Elderly Fair will be held at the Pabellón de Cristal of Casa
mientas y aparatos accesibles… del Campo in Madrid on the coming 8th and 11th of April. The Fair is an initiative
from the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs, acting through IMSERSO,
Gracias al avance social que ha su- that has the assistance of the Community of Madrid, the City Council, the Fundación
puesto la pensión de jubilación (que ha Hombre (Foundation of Man), and is sponsored by the Social Works department of Caja
permitido a los ciudadanos mayores Madrid bank.
disponer de tiempo libre) el mundo del
Ocio y la Cultura se está diversifican- This important event, which will coincide with the holding of the II World Assembly on
do y expandiendo como nunca en la Ageing in the Spanish capital, originated with the aspiration of promoting all classes of
Historia. Programas de turismo, viajes activities related to the elderly; making the elderly known by means of contact with
culturales, audiciones de música, visi- different sectors and in an entertaining manner, with strategies orientated towards the
tas a museos, lectura, Radio y Televi- quality of life. It is a meeting point for professionals, Public Administrations, Associative
sión, cursos en Universidades, y últi- Movements and the Mass Media.
mamente las nuevas tecnologías (espe-
cialmente la informática y el Internet) The elderly are increasingly more important in the life of modern societies, both
son alguno de los escenarios preferidos because of the growing demographic weight of the generations of the over-65’s, and due
por las personas mayores para disfrutar to the incorporation of cultural values based on equality of treatment and non-
de su tiempo libre. discrimination into the legal codes, as well as the awareness that ageing is just one
more stage in the lives of citizens.
Otra faceta a destacar es la apari-
ción de nuevos productos financieros This growing significance of the elderly among the whole population, these new
destinados a garantizar una vejez values, together with a greater life expectancy and the financial self-sufficiency of
más segura. retired people, are leading to important changes that affect all social sectors: Public
Administrations, Consumption, the Associative World, the Mass Media, Leisure, Politics,
En las ciencias biomédicas la vejez Health, Social Security, Private Care, etc.
ocupa un importante capítulo. Se está
generalizando la práctica de la Geron- The issues relating to the elderly hold a leading place in the programmes of all the
tología. La Farmacología está volcada political parties. As a reflection of this political importance, the administrative structures
en el descubrimiento de nuevos fárma- contain management centres that deal with the policies that target the aged.
cos que garanticen la calidad de vida
en los últimos años de la vida. Products aimed at attending to the needs of the elderly are increasingly common in
the market place: older-generation fashion, special foods, dress adapted to their tastes,
La atención sociosanitaria de las accessible tools and gadgets…
personas mayores enfermas o invalidas
es un tema que ocupa la atención tan- Thanks to social progress that has entailed the provision of retirement pensions (and
to de las instituciones públicas como that has allowed elderly citizens to make use of their spare time), the world of Leisure
de las privadas. and Culture is being diversified and expanding as never before in history. Programmes
of tourism, cultural trips, music auditions, museum visits, reading, radio and television,
El Movimiento Asociativo de las per- University courses, and lastly new technologies (especially computing and the Internet)
sonas mayores ha alcanzado una gran are some of the scenarios preferred by elderly people in enjoying their spare time.
expansión, tanto en número de socios
como de asociaciones. En la actualidad Another facet to be highlighted is the appearance of new financial products aimed at
es clave en el diseño de las políticas di- guaranteeing a more secure old age.
rigidas a la población mayor, y un im-
portante colaborador de las Adminis- Old age plays an important role in bio-medical sciences. The practice of gerontology
traciones Públicas en la prestación de is becoming generalised. Pharmacology is getting involved in the discovery of new drugs
servicios sociales. that guarantee the quality of life in the final years.
Este es, en grandes pinceladas, el Socio-health care for sick or disabled elderly people is a topic that holds the attention
panorama social que inspira la Primera of both public and private institutions.
Feria Internacional del Mayor a la que
deseo el mayor éxito, en beneficio de The Associative Movement of the elderly has undergone great expansion, both in terms
nuestros mayores of the number of members and associations. It is presently a key element in the design
of policies directed at the elderly population, and contributes in a significant manner to
the Public Administrations in the provision of social services.
This is, as an overview, the social panorama that inspires the First International
Elderly Fair that I wish the greatest success for, for the benefit of our elderly people.
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moda senior, alimentos especiales,
vestidos adaptados a sus gustos, herra- T he First International Elderly Fair will be held at the Pabellón de Cristal of Casa
mientas y aparatos accesibles… del Campo in Madrid on the coming 8th and 11th of April. The Fair is an initiative
from the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs, acting through IMSERSO,
Gracias al avance social que ha su- that has the assistance of the Community of Madrid, the City Council, the Fundación
puesto la pensión de jubilación (que ha Hombre (Foundation of Man), and is sponsored by the Social Works department of Caja
permitido a los ciudadanos mayores Madrid bank.
disponer de tiempo libre) el mundo del
Ocio y la Cultura se está diversifican- This important event, which will coincide with the holding of the II World Assembly on
do y expandiendo como nunca en la Ageing in the Spanish capital, originated with the aspiration of promoting all classes of
Historia. Programas de turismo, viajes activities related to the elderly; making the elderly known by means of contact with
culturales, audiciones de música, visi- different sectors and in an entertaining manner, with strategies orientated towards the
tas a museos, lectura, Radio y Televi- quality of life. It is a meeting point for professionals, Public Administrations, Associative
sión, cursos en Universidades, y últi- Movements and the Mass Media.
mamente las nuevas tecnologías (espe-
cialmente la informática y el Internet) The elderly are increasingly more important in the life of modern societies, both
son alguno de los escenarios preferidos because of the growing demographic weight of the generations of the over-65’s, and due
por las personas mayores para disfrutar to the incorporation of cultural values based on equality of treatment and non-
de su tiempo libre. discrimination into the legal codes, as well as the awareness that ageing is just one
more stage in the lives of citizens.
Otra faceta a destacar es la apari-
ción de nuevos productos financieros This growing significance of the elderly among the whole population, these new
destinados a garantizar una vejez values, together with a greater life expectancy and the financial self-sufficiency of
más segura. retired people, are leading to important changes that affect all social sectors: Public
Administrations, Consumption, the Associative World, the Mass Media, Leisure, Politics,
En las ciencias biomédicas la vejez Health, Social Security, Private Care, etc.
ocupa un importante capítulo. Se está
generalizando la práctica de la Geron- The issues relating to the elderly hold a leading place in the programmes of all the
tología. La Farmacología está volcada political parties. As a reflection of this political importance, the administrative structures
en el descubrimiento de nuevos fárma- contain management centres that deal with the policies that target the aged.
cos que garanticen la calidad de vida
en los últimos años de la vida. Products aimed at attending to the needs of the elderly are increasingly common in
the market place: older-generation fashion, special foods, dress adapted to their tastes,
La atención sociosanitaria de las accessible tools and gadgets…
personas mayores enfermas o invalidas
es un tema que ocupa la atención tan- Thanks to social progress that has entailed the provision of retirement pensions (and
to de las instituciones públicas como that has allowed elderly citizens to make use of their spare time), the world of Leisure
de las privadas. and Culture is being diversified and expanding as never before in history. Programmes
of tourism, cultural trips, music auditions, museum visits, reading, radio and television,
El Movimiento Asociativo de las per- University courses, and lastly new technologies (especially computing and the Internet)
sonas mayores ha alcanzado una gran are some of the scenarios preferred by elderly people in enjoying their spare time.
expansión, tanto en número de socios
como de asociaciones. En la actualidad Another facet to be highlighted is the appearance of new financial products aimed at
es clave en el diseño de las políticas di- guaranteeing a more secure old age.
rigidas a la población mayor, y un im-
portante colaborador de las Adminis- Old age plays an important role in bio-medical sciences. The practice of gerontology
traciones Públicas en la prestación de is becoming generalised. Pharmacology is getting involved in the discovery of new drugs
servicios sociales. that guarantee the quality of life in the final years.
Este es, en grandes pinceladas, el Socio-health care for sick or disabled elderly people is a topic that holds the attention
panorama social que inspira la Primera of both public and private institutions.
Feria Internacional del Mayor a la que
deseo el mayor éxito, en beneficio de The Associative Movement of the elderly has undergone great expansion, both in terms
nuestros mayores of the number of members and associations. It is presently a key element in the design
of policies directed at the elderly population, and contributes in a significant manner to
the Public Administrations in the provision of social services.
This is, as an overview, the social panorama that inspires the First International
Elderly Fair that I wish the greatest success for, for the benefit of our elderly people.
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