Page 42 - sesesp01_2002
P. 42
045-047Extra-aFondo Reig ok 26/3/02 13:50 Página 3


I would like to start this article making a brief We need to make progress in developing and putting professional will correspondingly allocate the tasks.
presentation about what the Platform for the this into practice during the course of this year, It is from here that the individual starts being
Promotion of Voluntary Work in Spain (PPVWS - through the creation of the permanent Monitoring satisfied with giving to others.
PPVE in Spanish) is and what the origins, objectives Commission for the code.
and principle tasks that it is involved in are. In the Ethical Code of the PPVWS, we have defined
On the other hand, we have felt that it is voluntary service organisations as those that arise from
The PPVWS currently groups together very diverse appropriate to make a map of where we are basing social initiative and are of a private, non-profit making
entities, united by the common bond of voluntary ourselves, in the light of the ethical code that we nature, legally incorporated, that carry on their activities
work, with the idea of promoting and disseminating have provided for ourselves. This map only takes primarily within the field of social action, for the benefit
Voluntary Action in Society, and in public and private account of what the PPVWS does, but also of the of others and collective social interests.
institutions. terrain where we have been. We propose initiating the
carrying out of a Strategic Action Plan during this Within these definitions, voluntary workers dedicate
In December 1986, fourteen entities and year, as something specific, accessible, easy to part of their time, on a continuous, unselfish and
Associations of a social nature signed the Founding handle and that leads us towards specific work responsible basis, for the benefit of other people or
Charter of the PPVWS with the aim of filling the existing commitments for the next 3 or 4 years. collective social interests rather than for themselves or
void in this field in our country. their associates, as is the case with associative
VOLUNTARY WORK TODAY movements. In turn, unlike charities, a project is
The unease and the problems that voluntary work carried out that is not completed just be working on it,
associations find in all European countries have made In a society in which the prevailing values that are but rather it seeks to eradicate or modify the causes of
us aware of the need for joint work, at all levels: local, upheld are selfishness and hedonism, it is important to the social marginalisation or need.
autonomous, national and international. highlight the role of voluntary work, but not only as
something that we demonstrate. Voluntary work is THE FUTURE OF VOLUNTARY WORK
The aim of the Platform for the Promotion of based on freedom, justice and solidarity. It is not
Voluntary Work in Spain is to promote and develop something incidental, fashionable or something that From the PPVWS we consider that, in the current
voluntary work in Spanish society, increasing arises due to circumstances, but rather it should be political and social situation, it is necessary for a
awareness of its importance, exchanging work incorporated into our way of being and thinking. It is a debate to take place within Voluntary Work
experiences and facilitating co-operation question of promoting the value of thinking of other Organisations about what our role and function
mechanisms between its members, studying the people, it is a process of maturity. within the “post-modern” society is. It seems to be
current legal reality, participating in the drafting of important that we arrive at a common minimum
proposals regarding voluntary work policies on an For this reason, make society aware of the necessity within the voluntary service world in which we can
ongoing basis and seeking dialogue mechanisms of voluntary work has to be carried on from the time of see a reflection of how we are.
with the authorities, acting as a spokesman for its school, because this —together with the family— is
members at national and international forums and responsible for the educational process, and volunteer On the other hand, we have the need to develop
defending the interests and independence of workers have to be subject to a training procedure. network co-ordination. If we do not develop common
organised voluntary work. areas that are demonstrated in joint ideological
As regards the elderly, we need to recognise that, up manifestations, rather than just in actions, it is
The PPVS, as an area at which the voluntary service to this time, the voluntary work provided is less than difficult for us to be able to construct a real area of
sector in Spain can meet and co-ordinate, promotes that which we would wish. We have the challenge of social presence.
the development of voluntary work with its activities, increasing the number of elderly people who carry out
and seeks its recognition as a pioneer element of a voluntary work. The elderly have personal experience Working by means of synergic practices, as
participatory, humane and jointly shared society. that should not be wasted and their co-operation is Joaquín García Roca indicates, means working on
necessary. The increase in life expectancy forces us to hearing capabilities, such as the capacity to listen to
In this respect, and with the aim of benefiting the participate actively. The elderly should not be allowed people rather than examine them. It means dialogue,
developing and strengthening of voluntary work, to let themselves be led, but rather they should such as the capability of bringing opposed stances
following the holding of the International Year of anticipate what happens. Elderly people cannot merely closer together, of opening up our own convictions, of
Voluntary Work, the action programme planned for be an objective of voluntary work, they should also accepting constant improvement through debate and
the year 2002 is structured around three become individuals in voluntary work. confrontation. It means co-ordination, as a
fundamental axes: relationship that is established between different
The elderly, like any other group, need to meet and organisations in order to reinforce the consequences
q The Promotion and Development of Voluntary develop those tasks that most in line with their of different actions on the same objective, avoiding
Work, through consciousness-raising, information attitudes and possibilities. There is no restriction overlap and contradictory activities. Finally, it means
and the promotion of voluntary work. other than understanding the true spirit of voluntary collaboration, such as the relationship that is
work, and initiating a process that starts with taking established between organisations that have diverse
q Voluntary Work Training, facilitating the initiative, approaching organisations, getting functions but that seek common goals and shared
resources and spaces for voluntary work training. information, having a personal interview that is used responsibilities.
to evaluate the aptitudes and qualities of that
q The Creation and consolidation of voluntary individual, at the same time as receiving a broad If we make progress along these four viewpoints,
service networks, promoting the work within a explanation about the concepts of voluntary work. we will be making voluntary work truly an element of
network and co-ordination between national and From this time onwards, depending on the social and “revitalising” transformation of the
international voluntary service entities. capabilities and willingness observed, the citizenry that shows itself to be committed and
jointly responsible.
Moreover, the recent history of the PPVWS has seen
an attempt to combine efforts, with the process of
preparing and formulating the Voluntary Work
Organisations Ethical Code, as a beacon for our
activities and a form of detecting improper practices.

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