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tes de personas que han rea- q Anita Conti T he director of the ’60 and more’ magazine has invited me to write an ➾
lizado deportes de gran ries- (1899/1997). Francia. Oce- article for its special edition on the occasion of the Second World
go como Ramón Morales Tro- anógrafo. Para esta francesa Assembly for Ageing that will be hold in Madrid in the month of April,
gán, abogado español, naci- aventurera su optimismo y this year, knowing my professional evolution in the area of longevity and in
do en 1901 que practicó el vitalidad le permitieron vivir particular about centenaries.
rugby y participó en el ‘Gol- 98 años; nunca dejó de son-
den Oldies Festival’, compe- reír ante las adversidades In 1.993 it came out my book titled ‘A Poboación centenaria de Galicia’,
tición para mayores de 35 pues después de haber cola- edited by the Xunta de Galicia and the University of Santiago that was the
años, celebrada en Christ- borado con la Marina Fran- result of my research about 398 centenarian people form my county. In 1.998
church (Nueva Zelanda), ó el cesa y de haber viajado por I published ‘Centenarias de leyenda’ with the biography of four famous
caso de Agesilao Greco de múltiples países investigan- women: Rose Kennedy, Mª de la O Lejárraga, Grandma Moses and Alexandra
Chiaramonte (1866/1963) do sobre las especies mari- David-Néel. Owing to the Second Assembly for Ageing I have written a book
que fue un famoso esgrimis- nas, acabó sus días en la titled ‘Centenarians: Who’s Who’ that gathers a brief biography of centenarian
ta italiano que siguió practi- completa miseria olvidada people who are celebrated because of their life and work and this will be
cado este deporte hasta los por todos. presented in this Assembly.
últimos días de vida. q Ardito Desio
(1897/2001). Italia. Geólo- Once the XXI century has begun we know through the mass media,
Otras actividades lúdicas go. Para este incansable ex- neighbours, friends and our own family, the existence of a population more
a las que se han dedicado plorador, que supo aunar la and more old, the fourth age as it has been named recently. As a general rule,
una vez abandonadas sus ac- aventura y la investigación they are people who have lived in a healthy way and have done some sport,
tividades profesionales son: organizando la primera ex- either in their youth or during their years of retirement.
los viajes, la música, la jardi- pedición que pisó la cima
nería, la escritura, el ajedrez del pico K2 del Himalaya In the Galería de la Longevidad, that I direct, there is an ample documentary
y la pintura. Esto les permi- en 1954 y a los 90 años se supply that holds a great number of long-lived people who have lived for 95
tió mantener la mente des- reunió de nuevo con un gru- years or more. The most part of them have practised sports that do not need a
pierta sin peligro de deterio- po de exploradores que iban high capacity because at this age the taking of calories is lower than in youth
ro físico. a subir al Everest, su longe- or maturity, so the consume of energy is not very elevated as well. Scientific
vidad era fomentada por su surveys show that the moderate physical exercise, done in a pleasant way, out
También hay que desta- curiosidad pues no soporta- of any competitiveness, helps for the longevity. The physical activity delays the
car que hay un gran número ba la monotonía de la vida osseous decalcification, the muscle atrophy and the vascular and circulatory
de militares que a pesar de diaria. “Hay que hacer co- illness, allowing the control of the body weight and the mental agility.
haber tomado parte en las sas variadas y no aburrirse
dos guerras mundiales han nunca”. Once I analysed the sports practised by the nonagenarian and centenarian we
logrado llegar casi al siglo q Freya Stark can come to the conclusion that they have done the following physical activities
de vida. (1893/1993). Gran Bretaña. till advanced age: sailing, tennis, horse riding, walking and climbing, golf,
Escritora y viajera. Para ella, hunting and fishing. In short, they are sports in direct contact with nature and
A continuación voy a deta- que recorrió la mayor parte de in loneliness that require the exercise permanent but without any effort, keeping
llar algunos secretos de lon- Asia, continente al que nunca the sportsman in a concentration that does not generate any risk or stress.
gevidad de algunos notables antes había viajado una mujer
nonagenarios y centenarios: sola, “el riesgo es la sal y el However, there are some examples less frequent of people who have done
q Alfred Hamish Reed azúcar de la vida”. great risk sports as the case of Ramón Morales Trogán, Spanish lawyer, born in
(1875/1975). Nueva Zelan- q Galo Leóz Ortín 1.901, who played rugby and took part in the Golden Oldies Festival,
da. Editor. Este longevo (1879/1990). España. Mé- competition for older than 35, celebrated in Christchurch (New Zealand), or the
centenario se dedicó al sen- dico. Para este oftalmólogo case of Agesilao Greco de Chiaramonte (1866/1963) who was a well known
derismo a partir de los 85 el secreto de su longevidad Italian fencer who went on practising this sport till his last years of life.
años, lo que le permitió lle- residía en ducharse con agua
var una vida sana en con- fría y no secarse; diariamen- Other spare time activities they have done once they left their professional
tacto con la naturaleza. Su te se ponía la camiseta di- careers are: travels, music, gardening, writing, chess and painting. This let
última excursión la realizó rectamente sobre el cuerpo them keep their mind awake without danger of physical deterioration.
con 99 años subiendo los
680 metros del Monte Car- It has to be mentioned that there are a great number of military people who
gill cerca de Dunedin. in spite of the fact of having participated in the two World Wars have reached
the centenary.

I will tell now some secrets of longevity of some of these notable
nonagenarian and centenarian:
q Alfred Hamish Reed (1875/1975). New Zealand. Editor. This long-lived
centenarian practised walking since he was 85 years old, what let him live
healthy in contact with nature. His last trip was made aged 99 when he
climbed the 680 m. of the Cargill Mountain, near Dunedin.

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