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especial de la familia. Ade- century is the first time in human history when significant identifying market changes and adjusting accordingly. Yet
más, la ayuda intergenera- numbers of people worldwide can expect to enjoy an old age an UN Food and Agriculture Organization report on
cional no tiene un único sen- with a reasonably secure income. This is true even in Jamaican farmers, noting their “relatively advanced age”,
tido. Los mayores también developing countries for some older people. However the comments that this “has important implications for
contribuyen activamente en reality for most older people in most developing countries is development, since it could be expected that there would
las economías domésticas. that – in absence of affordable, accessible social security be greater resistance to change among older farmers”.
Las transferencias en efecti- provision – earning a living remains a primary requirement.
vo y las contribuciones en Another area of profound change for older people is in
especie (por ejemplo, el cui- This is especially the case in rural areas, where most their family lives. Family life in the developing world is
dado de los niños y las fae- older people live. Older people’s needs will continue to grow changing rapidly under the impact of wider social change.
nas de la casa) desempeñan as social protection policies fail to address the needs of the There are a number of aspects to this. For example, the
un papel significativo, aun- majority, and the scale of the problem is dauntingly great. trend to smaller families, with fewer children, in nearly all
que no registrado, en la su- In China, for example, a pilot scheme of old age insurance societies, implies steadily increasing numbers and
pervivencia de la familia. En for peasant farmers had by mid-1990s achieved coverage proportions of older family members. Reduction in
épocas de crisis, este papel in all 30 of China’s provinces. Sixty million farm workers extended family networks means family members
puede hacerse crucial: por between 20-60 are covered – but this represents only 14% available to give care is declining, as needs increase.
ejemplo, cada vez hay más of the rural workforce. Migration, urbanisation and increasing numbers of
evidencias de los papeles women entering work forces in many countries are all
críticos que desempeñan las Reform of public pension systems involving likely to affect the capacity of families to provide effective
personas mayores asistiendo privatisation, and devolving responsibility to individuals to old age care.
a miembros de la familia con provide for old age led by countries like Chile implies even
HIV/SIDA y a nietos que se greater numbers of older poor people excluded from Poverty a significant risk factor. For families trapped in
quedan huérfanos. potential old age security. Lifetime under-employment, endemic poverty the capacity for support is greatly reduced.
unstable incomes, lack of access to cash economy all limit This is especially true for older women – greater longevity
SALUD Y BIENESTAR the access of the poor to a secure income in old age. and earlier age at marriage mean widowhood is becoming
the characteristic experience of old age for a majority of
La salud y el bienestar son Even where minimal cash “safety nets” are offered, women in developing countries.
preocupaciones clave para older people may be barred by a number of factors. Proof
las personas mayores del of identity is often a major problem – for example in On the other hand, family support systems for older
mundo en desarrollo. Es im- Bolivia ex-gratia payments to uninsured older people people in developing countries remain surprisingly
portante notar que para estas living poverty were available only to those able to prove durable. Support for older people still seen as a special
personas la salud física no es their age. A campaign led by the church and a group of responsibility of the family. Furthermore, intergenerational
sólo muy conveniente, sino non-government organisations was needed to establish support is not one-way. Older people are also active
fundamental. La salud física this entitlement. Access to payment points is another contributors to household economies. Cash transfers, in-
va unida de modo significati- barrier for many – distance from payment points as well kind contributions (for example, child-minding and
vo a la capacidad de trabajar as the difficulty of proving entitlement means that less domestic chores) play a significant, though unrecorded
y ayudarse a uno mismo. No than 2.5 million of estimated 50 million older Indians part in family survival. In times of crisis this role can
es sorprendente, por tanto, living below the poverty line get the minimal payment of become crucial – there is for example growing evidence of
que la salud se clasifique ha- 75 rupees a month (just over 1 US dollar). the critical roles played by older people in giving care to
bitualmente al lado de la se- family members with HIV/AIDS and orphaned
guridad material como la Therefore other means of material support need to be grandchildren.
preocupación más importan- identified by millions of workers in rural areas.
te de las personas mayores. Agricultural work remains of primary importance. Often Health and well-being are key concerns for older people
La pérdida de la salud física small interventions can be important. When land and in the developing world It is important to note that for
y del vigor es seria incluso water are available and accessible even frailer older older people in developing countries physical health is not
para quienes tienen la ayuda people can manage small-scale agricultural activity. merely very desirable but imperative. Physical health is
de la familia. Para los que no significantly linked to ability to work and support oneself.
la tienen, puede ser catastró- Farming, for subsistence or cash income, It is therefore not surprising that health consistently ranks
fica. Pero también es nece- complemented by other income-earning activities – alongside material security as older people’s priority
small-scale trading and production of craft goods. HAI concern. The loss of physical health and strength is
studies with older people have found that they identify a serious even for those with family support. For those
wide variety of on- and off-farm occupations, often
strategically deployed. Older farmers are often adept at ➾without it can be catastrophic. But it also needs to be

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