Page 32 - sesesp01_2002
P. 32
La Segunda Asamblea las mujeres dijeron que CHALLENGE OF THE WORLD ASSEMBLY
Mundial de las Naciones cuestiones tales como la car-
Unidas sobre el Envejeci- ga de trabajo se compartían Ageing and the
miento es una oportunidad ahora con mayor igualdad. development debate
única de llevar las cuestio-
nes de las personas mayores Las personas mayores A t the beginning of the 21st century we are entering a completely new
a una plataforma mundial, también ayudan a absorber world, one which will no longer be young. Great demographic changes,
de “integrar” el envejeci- los choques de la globaliza- which began in the last century, will continue to gain speed over the next
miento en el programa de ción, haciendo contribucio- 50 years. By 2050 the global number of people over 60 will be greater than those
desarrollo. La falta de aten- nes materiales y psicológicas under the age of 15; and most of this ageing will happen in the developing world.
ción a los mayores se refleja significativas al bienestar fa- Already two-thirds of the world’s over-65s live in developing countries, and this
de muchas formas. Por miliar y comunitario. Estas will grow to three-quarters by 2030. Yet despite these changes, for the past 50
ejemplo, los “Objetivos del pueden ser muy prácticas, al years older people have been almost invisible in international development policy
Milenio” de las Naciones mantener unidas las comuni- and practice. Development policy, which in recent years particularly has focused
Unidas no contienen ningu- dades rurales. El periódico on achieving economic growth, has tended to characterise older people as
na referencia a los proble- The Guardian de Londres di- economically unproductive, dependent and passive and therefore not relevant to
mas de esas personas, y se vulgó en julio 1999 que the development debate. Older people are therefore excluded and marginalised.
concentran en los grupos de “pueblos enteros del Trans- The benefits older people can bring – the wealth of skills and experience that
edad más jóvenes. kei dependen de las pensio- older people bring to public life, family and workplace hardly noticed. Older
nes de jubilación para sobre- people are excluded - often systematically – from access to services and support.
GLOBALIZACIÓN Y MAYORES vivir, porque los yacimientos At the same time neglect of older people at a policy level is rationalised by appeal
de oro se han desecho de de- to “traditional values” - which are said to safeguard older people in their
A comienzos del siglo XXI, cenas de miles de mineros families and communities.
instituciones como el paren- en los últimos años”.
tesco y el matrimonio son The United Nations Second World Assembly on Ageing is thus a unique
menos importantes que el ¿Cuáles son algunas de opportunity to bring the issues of older people onto a world platform. It is an
mercado de trabajo para la las implicaciones del rápido opportunity above all to “mainstream” ageing into the development agenda. At
supervivencia económica. y, a veces, desestabilizador present the neglect of older people is reflected in many ways. For example the UN’s
Las fuerzas de la globaliza- cambio que afecta a las per- “Millenium Goals” do not contain any reference to the problems of older people;
ción marginan a las genera- sonas mayores que viven en they are completely focussed on younger age groups. This article examines some
ciones de más edad. países en vías de desarrollo? of the key issues for ageing in the 21st century, and argues that these should
become an integral part of the development agenda in the coming decades.
El cuadro no es del todo Un área clave es la de los
negativo. El cambio ha crea- recursos que les permiten (a At the beginning of the 21st century, institutions such as kinship and marriage
do oportunidades para algu- falta de pensiones y de otra are less important than labour market for economic survival. Forces of
nas personas mayores. Por protección social) los medios globalisation have created forces which marginalise older generations.
ejemplo, algunas mujeres de de ganarse la vida.
edad tienen más posibilida- The picture is not all negative. Change has also created opportunities for some
des de participar fuera del En este aún joven siglo older people. For example, some older women now have greater scope for
ámbito doméstico. En un XXI, es la primera vez en la participation outside the household. In a HelpAge International programme
programa de HelpAge Inter- historia humana en que un assisting older returning refugees in Mozambique, gender differences were
nacional de ayuda a los refu- número significativo de per- noted; while older men bemoaned the changes due to war, and were nostalgic for
giados de más edad que re- sonas de todo el mundo pue- the lost past, older women said that such issues as the burden of work were now
gresan a Mozambique, se de esperar disfrutar de una much more equally shared.
apreciaron diferencias debi- vejez con unos ingresos razo-
das al género: mientras que nablemente seguros. Y esto Older people also help to absorb the shocks of globalization – making
los hombres se lamentaban es verdad, incluso en países significant material and psychological contributions to family/community well
de los cambios producidos en desarrollo para algunas being. These can be very practical, holding rural communities together.
por la guerra y sentían nos- personas mayores. Sin em-
talgia del pasado perdido, bargo, la realidad para la ma- What then are some of the implications of rapid, sometimes destabilising
yoría de ellas es que, a falta change for older people living in developing countries? A key area for older people
de una seguridad social ase- is the resources they have available to them, particularly (in the absence of
quible y accesible, ganarse
➾pensions and other social protection) their means to make a living. The early 21st

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