Page 28 - sesesp01_2002
P. 28
The patient-family member dependency is more cognitive or emotional manifestations or factors are identified, it will be necessary to
intense as the illness progresses. The problem of symptoms and those involving a change in quantify and assess each one of them.
“dependency” that is considerable in numerous behaviour into account; “treatments” are needed
illnesses and processes is especially serious in for each one of these aspects. Discovering the risk factors means that steps
Alzheimer's disease because of the progression of can be taken to delay the onset of the symptoms
the disorder, which leads to significant changes One further aspect is the intercurrent illnesses of the illness, or maybe to ensure it does not start.
in conduct and a total inability to cope by oneself. with their treatment and institutionalisation or According to epidemiological studies, if we can
admittance to a Home or long-stay centres. But manage to delay the onset of the symptoms of the
Another aspect to take into account is that apart from these strictly health matters, other illness by 5 years, the prevalence or the number of
concerning safety. The patients' activities can issues of social and legal matters and the patients would be reduced by half.
sometimes lead to physical risk for them, the “handling” of the patient and health planning
people they live with and the house they live in. are raised. It will probably be necessary for EARLY DETECTION
The legal component, of incapacity to make use of several specialists to intervene: epidemiologists,
the assets, adds another element to this already biochemists, geneticists, neurologists, Degenerative disorders in the brain start many
complex illness. psychiatrists, psychologists, geriatricians,
radiologists, nursing staff, auxiliary personnel. years before the illness manifests itself. Some
The economic repercussion of the illness is an There will also be a need for social workers,
important aspect of the scale of the problem. It is lawyers, care-givers, family members, ... authors have concluded that there have to be
considered that an Alzheimer's patient can cause
average annual expenses of 12,000 euros (two From what we have just set out, it seems that disorders in 50% of the neurones of the
million pesetas) in health and social care in direct speaking about treatment in the ordinary sense of
and indirect costs. Health care costs are only a this term is insufficient, confusing and not very hippocampus in order for the symptoms to
small part of the total. The incapacity and accurate. However, in the absence of any other
institutionalisation cause most of the expenses. more comprehensive word, we will continue using manifest themselves. Detection at the start of the
This cost is largely borne by the family. “treatment” in the usual concept of the word.
degenerative process could prevent the illness
continuing if the right treatment is given. We still
The current position on treating Alzheimer's Research into this field is intense, although
and dementia in general is not very encouraging. there are few definitive results. A great deal of do not have the means for early detection today,
There is presently no treatment that cures the researchers consider that ageing is not the only
illness. A person who is diagnosed will die risk factor or indicator of risk. We also have to but the development of neuroimaging tests, above
between 5 and 10 years later, due to causes consider the family of the patient, the presence of
related to dementia. But important changes and certain genes and the family history of Down's all the Computer Axial Tomograph, the Nuclear
discoveries are being made in this field. syndrome. However, there is no cause for alarm for
family members of the patients, because these Magnetic Resonance, the Positron Emission
Speaking about treatment for Alzheimer's factors are related to the early onset of the illness
disease is not like speaking about the treatment and represent less than 5% of the cases. However Tomography and the Magneto-encephalography
for meningitis, for example, in which the drug they are very important factors at the research
cures the infection and, at most, measures are level and in understanding this dementia. are leading the way. There are also different
applied to prevent other people being infected.
The study of Alzheimer's is started with the risk Other risk factors being studied include cranial indicators that may help in early detection such
factors: Which factors make a certain individual traumas, neurotoxin exposure, certain types of
have a greater likelihood of suffering this illness? work, dietary habits (a deficit of certain vitamins), as the study of the APOE gene in chromosome 19,
If we know these factors, we could be able to tobacco, womankind, hypothyroidism, diabetes,
prevent the illness. We then raise the possibility of high blood pressure, epilepsy, depression and the the study of certain substances in liquid
early detection, if possible before the illness starts educational level.
to manifest itself. After the diagnosis, and once cephalorachidian) such as the increased or
we are confronted with the illness, we have to ask In the same manner, certain factors are being
whether we are able to cure it, or at least halt its studied that would provide protection against the reduced presence of substances involved in the
progress. At this stage we will also take its illness: estrogens, some antiinflammatories,
vitamin E and other antioxidants. Once these disorders that take place in the neurons: Tau or
Beta-amyloid), blood and urine, the presence of
certain cells such as fibroblasts as skin
abnormalities, an abnormal reaction of the pupil.
Neuropsychological indicators include loss of
memory, especially memory of recent events. This
disorder makes the capacity for learning difficult.
This is the earliest sign. However, memory
deterioration also takes place in healthy elderly
people and those who have a slight cognitive
deterioration that will never evolve into dementia.
Subsequently, there are changes in language and
other areas. It needs to be taken into account that
neuropsychological tests detect the illness when it is
already causing changes in the cognitive functions.
This is also a detection method used today, but not
one that detects the illness so early on. ➾
Sesenta y más 33
The patient-family member dependency is more cognitive or emotional manifestations or factors are identified, it will be necessary to
intense as the illness progresses. The problem of symptoms and those involving a change in quantify and assess each one of them.
“dependency” that is considerable in numerous behaviour into account; “treatments” are needed
illnesses and processes is especially serious in for each one of these aspects. Discovering the risk factors means that steps
Alzheimer's disease because of the progression of can be taken to delay the onset of the symptoms
the disorder, which leads to significant changes One further aspect is the intercurrent illnesses of the illness, or maybe to ensure it does not start.
in conduct and a total inability to cope by oneself. with their treatment and institutionalisation or According to epidemiological studies, if we can
admittance to a Home or long-stay centres. But manage to delay the onset of the symptoms of the
Another aspect to take into account is that apart from these strictly health matters, other illness by 5 years, the prevalence or the number of
concerning safety. The patients' activities can issues of social and legal matters and the patients would be reduced by half.
sometimes lead to physical risk for them, the “handling” of the patient and health planning
people they live with and the house they live in. are raised. It will probably be necessary for EARLY DETECTION
The legal component, of incapacity to make use of several specialists to intervene: epidemiologists,
the assets, adds another element to this already biochemists, geneticists, neurologists, Degenerative disorders in the brain start many
complex illness. psychiatrists, psychologists, geriatricians,
radiologists, nursing staff, auxiliary personnel. years before the illness manifests itself. Some
The economic repercussion of the illness is an There will also be a need for social workers,
important aspect of the scale of the problem. It is lawyers, care-givers, family members, ... authors have concluded that there have to be
considered that an Alzheimer's patient can cause
average annual expenses of 12,000 euros (two From what we have just set out, it seems that disorders in 50% of the neurones of the
million pesetas) in health and social care in direct speaking about treatment in the ordinary sense of
and indirect costs. Health care costs are only a this term is insufficient, confusing and not very hippocampus in order for the symptoms to
small part of the total. The incapacity and accurate. However, in the absence of any other
institutionalisation cause most of the expenses. more comprehensive word, we will continue using manifest themselves. Detection at the start of the
This cost is largely borne by the family. “treatment” in the usual concept of the word.
degenerative process could prevent the illness
continuing if the right treatment is given. We still
The current position on treating Alzheimer's Research into this field is intense, although
and dementia in general is not very encouraging. there are few definitive results. A great deal of do not have the means for early detection today,
There is presently no treatment that cures the researchers consider that ageing is not the only
illness. A person who is diagnosed will die risk factor or indicator of risk. We also have to but the development of neuroimaging tests, above
between 5 and 10 years later, due to causes consider the family of the patient, the presence of
related to dementia. But important changes and certain genes and the family history of Down's all the Computer Axial Tomograph, the Nuclear
discoveries are being made in this field. syndrome. However, there is no cause for alarm for
family members of the patients, because these Magnetic Resonance, the Positron Emission
Speaking about treatment for Alzheimer's factors are related to the early onset of the illness
disease is not like speaking about the treatment and represent less than 5% of the cases. However Tomography and the Magneto-encephalography
for meningitis, for example, in which the drug they are very important factors at the research
cures the infection and, at most, measures are level and in understanding this dementia. are leading the way. There are also different
applied to prevent other people being infected.
The study of Alzheimer's is started with the risk Other risk factors being studied include cranial indicators that may help in early detection such
factors: Which factors make a certain individual traumas, neurotoxin exposure, certain types of
have a greater likelihood of suffering this illness? work, dietary habits (a deficit of certain vitamins), as the study of the APOE gene in chromosome 19,
If we know these factors, we could be able to tobacco, womankind, hypothyroidism, diabetes,
prevent the illness. We then raise the possibility of high blood pressure, epilepsy, depression and the the study of certain substances in liquid
early detection, if possible before the illness starts educational level.
to manifest itself. After the diagnosis, and once cephalorachidian) such as the increased or
we are confronted with the illness, we have to ask In the same manner, certain factors are being
whether we are able to cure it, or at least halt its studied that would provide protection against the reduced presence of substances involved in the
progress. At this stage we will also take its illness: estrogens, some antiinflammatories,
vitamin E and other antioxidants. Once these disorders that take place in the neurons: Tau or
Beta-amyloid), blood and urine, the presence of
certain cells such as fibroblasts as skin
abnormalities, an abnormal reaction of the pupil.
Neuropsychological indicators include loss of
memory, especially memory of recent events. This
disorder makes the capacity for learning difficult.
This is the earliest sign. However, memory
deterioration also takes place in healthy elderly
people and those who have a slight cognitive
deterioration that will never evolve into dementia.
Subsequently, there are changes in language and
other areas. It needs to be taken into account that
neuropsychological tests detect the illness when it is
already causing changes in the cognitive functions.
This is also a detection method used today, but not
one that detects the illness so early on. ➾
Sesenta y más 33