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para que absorbiese la hu- creto de la longevidad residía q Anita Conti (1899/1997). France. Oceanographer. For this French
medad y no se resecase la en la mente, a la que hay que adventurer her optimism and vitality allowed her to live for 98 years; she never
piel, a continuación se iba a mimar y activar para mante- gave up smiling before the adversities because after her collaboration with
su despacho a leer. nerse sano físicamente. Nun- the French Navy and her travels to many countries researching the marine
q Juan José Barcia Goyanes ca se casó ya que pensaba species, she finished her life in poverty, forgotten by all the people.
(1901/-). España. Médico. que no podía dedicarse por q Ardito Desio (1897/2001). Italy. Geologist. For this tireless explorer, who
Confesó en una entrevista completo a su familia pues knew joining the adventure with the research, arranging the first expedition who
que recomendaba los cruci- trabajaba en los escenarios set foot in the top of the Himalayan peak K2 in 1.954 and aged 90 he gathered
gramas para retrasar la pér- durante 12 horas diarias. again with a group of explorers who were going to climb the Everest, his
dida de memoria, pasatiem- q Michel Eugène-Chevreul longevity was fostered by his curiosity because he did not stand the monotony
po que sigue practicando en (1786/1889). Francia. Quí- of daily life “It is necessary to do different things and never be bored”.
la actualidad. Comentaba mico. Para este centenario q Freya Stark (1893/1993). Great Britain. Writer and traveller. For her, a
también que la longevidad francés la longevidad tam- women who traversed the most part of Asia, a continent where no woman had
formaba parte de la tradición bién es cuestión heredita- visited alone before, “the risk is the salt and sugar of life”.
familiar, su abuelo materno ria. Su padre murió con 91 q Galo Leóz Ortín (1879/1990). Spain. Doctor. For this ophthalmologist the
vivió 96 años y montó a ca- años y su madre con 93. secret of his longevity was having a shower and no drying after; he put on his
ballo hasta el día anterior a q Morarji Desai shirt in contact with his wet body so that it can absorbed its humidity and the
su muerte, una de las hijas (1896/1995). India. Político. skin can not get dry up, then he went to read to his bureau.
de éste vivió 103 años y has- Su secreto de longevidad es- q Juan José Barcia Goyanes (1901/-). Spain. Doctor. He told in an
ta el final de sus días enhe- taba en la no ingesta de car- interview that he suggested the crosswords to retard the lost of memory; he
braba las agujas de sus hijas, ne ni alcohol; desde 1915 goes on doing crosswords at present. He also declared that longevity was part
a ésta, le tuvieron que poner había dejado de tomar medi- of family tradition, his maternal grandfather died aged 96 and rode a horse till
un marcapasos y le consultó cinas creyendo en las virtu- the day before his death, one of his daughters lived for 103 years and till the
preocupada que aquel apara- des terapéuticas de la orina, end of her days threaded her daughters’ needles; she had a cardiac pacemaker
to “sólo duraba 7 años”. bebiendo diariamente un va- and she told him very worried that it only lasted for seven years.
q Leni Riefenstahl so de la suya propia. q Leni Riefenstahl (1902/-). Germany. Cinema director and photographer.
(1902/-). Alemania. Directo- q Ramón Menéndez Pidal This special woman began to practise scuba diving aged 75 but she had to
ra de cine y fotógrafa. Esta (1869/1968). España. Filó- falsify her age in her application for a course because she was older than the
peculiar mujer comenzó a logo. Confesó que su secreto legal age; at present she is finishing a documentary film, Impressions
hacer submarinismo cuando de longevidad residía en ha- underwater, that she will give its first performance on her 100th birthday, in
tenía 75 años, pero tuvo que cer todo con ganas, pues el August, this year.
falsificar la edad en la soli- comía con apetito, bebía q Lillian Gish (1893/1993). U.S.A. Actress who throughout her life kept an
citud para un curso de bu- cuando tenía sed, dormía excellent physical condition due to her years of swimming and gymnastic,
ceo pues pasaba del límite con ganas y andaba cuando sports she had done since her youth. For her the secret of longevity was in the
de admisión; en la actuali- le apetecía y “ya que siem- mind, to what it is necessary to care and maintain active in order to have a
dad prepara una película so- pre trabajo con gana y siem- healthy body. She never married because she thought she could not devote
bre el mundo submarino, pre tengo ganas de trabajar, herself to family because she worked on the stage for 12 hours a day.
Impresiones bajo el agua, pues trabajo”. q Michel Eugène-Chevreul (1786/1889). France. Chemist. For this
que estrenará con motivo de French centenary longevity is a matter of genetic heritage. His father had
su 100 cumpleaños en De lo anteriormente ex- died aged 91 and his mother aged 93.
agosto de este año. puesto se puede decir que q Morarji Desai (1896/1995). India. Politician. His secret of longevity was
q Lillian Gish a pesar de que la herencia not eating meat and alcohol. He had stopped taking medicines since 1.915
(1893/1993). EEUU. Actriz genética juega un papel because he believed in the therapeutical virtues of the urine, so he drank a
que a lo largo de su vida man- primordial en el tema que glass of his own urine daily.
tuvo una excelente prepara- nos ocupa, es muy impor- q Ramón Menéndez Pidal (1869/1968). Spain. Philologist. He told that his
ción física avalada por años de tante mantener la ilusión secret of longevity was in doing everything with desire, because he ate with
natación y gimnasia, deportes por vivir y practicar alguna appetite, drank when he was thirsty, slept and walked when he wanted to do
que había practicado desde su actividad física, si quere- them, he said “ As I always work happy and I always desire to work, so I work”.
adolescencia. Para ella el se- mos llegar plenos de salud
a la cuarta edad. According to that it can be said that in spite of the fact that heritage plays
an important role in the subject we are dealing, it is decisive to maintain the
illusion to live and do some physical activity if we want to reach healthy the
fourth age.
44 Sesenta y más
para que absorbiese la hu- creto de la longevidad residía q Anita Conti (1899/1997). France. Oceanographer. For this French
medad y no se resecase la en la mente, a la que hay que adventurer her optimism and vitality allowed her to live for 98 years; she never
piel, a continuación se iba a mimar y activar para mante- gave up smiling before the adversities because after her collaboration with
su despacho a leer. nerse sano físicamente. Nun- the French Navy and her travels to many countries researching the marine
q Juan José Barcia Goyanes ca se casó ya que pensaba species, she finished her life in poverty, forgotten by all the people.
(1901/-). España. Médico. que no podía dedicarse por q Ardito Desio (1897/2001). Italy. Geologist. For this tireless explorer, who
Confesó en una entrevista completo a su familia pues knew joining the adventure with the research, arranging the first expedition who
que recomendaba los cruci- trabajaba en los escenarios set foot in the top of the Himalayan peak K2 in 1.954 and aged 90 he gathered
gramas para retrasar la pér- durante 12 horas diarias. again with a group of explorers who were going to climb the Everest, his
dida de memoria, pasatiem- q Michel Eugène-Chevreul longevity was fostered by his curiosity because he did not stand the monotony
po que sigue practicando en (1786/1889). Francia. Quí- of daily life “It is necessary to do different things and never be bored”.
la actualidad. Comentaba mico. Para este centenario q Freya Stark (1893/1993). Great Britain. Writer and traveller. For her, a
también que la longevidad francés la longevidad tam- women who traversed the most part of Asia, a continent where no woman had
formaba parte de la tradición bién es cuestión heredita- visited alone before, “the risk is the salt and sugar of life”.
familiar, su abuelo materno ria. Su padre murió con 91 q Galo Leóz Ortín (1879/1990). Spain. Doctor. For this ophthalmologist the
vivió 96 años y montó a ca- años y su madre con 93. secret of his longevity was having a shower and no drying after; he put on his
ballo hasta el día anterior a q Morarji Desai shirt in contact with his wet body so that it can absorbed its humidity and the
su muerte, una de las hijas (1896/1995). India. Político. skin can not get dry up, then he went to read to his bureau.
de éste vivió 103 años y has- Su secreto de longevidad es- q Juan José Barcia Goyanes (1901/-). Spain. Doctor. He told in an
ta el final de sus días enhe- taba en la no ingesta de car- interview that he suggested the crosswords to retard the lost of memory; he
braba las agujas de sus hijas, ne ni alcohol; desde 1915 goes on doing crosswords at present. He also declared that longevity was part
a ésta, le tuvieron que poner había dejado de tomar medi- of family tradition, his maternal grandfather died aged 96 and rode a horse till
un marcapasos y le consultó cinas creyendo en las virtu- the day before his death, one of his daughters lived for 103 years and till the
preocupada que aquel apara- des terapéuticas de la orina, end of her days threaded her daughters’ needles; she had a cardiac pacemaker
to “sólo duraba 7 años”. bebiendo diariamente un va- and she told him very worried that it only lasted for seven years.
q Leni Riefenstahl so de la suya propia. q Leni Riefenstahl (1902/-). Germany. Cinema director and photographer.
(1902/-). Alemania. Directo- q Ramón Menéndez Pidal This special woman began to practise scuba diving aged 75 but she had to
ra de cine y fotógrafa. Esta (1869/1968). España. Filó- falsify her age in her application for a course because she was older than the
peculiar mujer comenzó a logo. Confesó que su secreto legal age; at present she is finishing a documentary film, Impressions
hacer submarinismo cuando de longevidad residía en ha- underwater, that she will give its first performance on her 100th birthday, in
tenía 75 años, pero tuvo que cer todo con ganas, pues el August, this year.
falsificar la edad en la soli- comía con apetito, bebía q Lillian Gish (1893/1993). U.S.A. Actress who throughout her life kept an
citud para un curso de bu- cuando tenía sed, dormía excellent physical condition due to her years of swimming and gymnastic,
ceo pues pasaba del límite con ganas y andaba cuando sports she had done since her youth. For her the secret of longevity was in the
de admisión; en la actuali- le apetecía y “ya que siem- mind, to what it is necessary to care and maintain active in order to have a
dad prepara una película so- pre trabajo con gana y siem- healthy body. She never married because she thought she could not devote
bre el mundo submarino, pre tengo ganas de trabajar, herself to family because she worked on the stage for 12 hours a day.
Impresiones bajo el agua, pues trabajo”. q Michel Eugène-Chevreul (1786/1889). France. Chemist. For this
que estrenará con motivo de French centenary longevity is a matter of genetic heritage. His father had
su 100 cumpleaños en De lo anteriormente ex- died aged 91 and his mother aged 93.
agosto de este año. puesto se puede decir que q Morarji Desai (1896/1995). India. Politician. His secret of longevity was
q Lillian Gish a pesar de que la herencia not eating meat and alcohol. He had stopped taking medicines since 1.915
(1893/1993). EEUU. Actriz genética juega un papel because he believed in the therapeutical virtues of the urine, so he drank a
que a lo largo de su vida man- primordial en el tema que glass of his own urine daily.
tuvo una excelente prepara- nos ocupa, es muy impor- q Ramón Menéndez Pidal (1869/1968). Spain. Philologist. He told that his
ción física avalada por años de tante mantener la ilusión secret of longevity was in doing everything with desire, because he ate with
natación y gimnasia, deportes por vivir y practicar alguna appetite, drank when he was thirsty, slept and walked when he wanted to do
que había practicado desde su actividad física, si quere- them, he said “ As I always work happy and I always desire to work, so I work”.
adolescencia. Para ella el se- mos llegar plenos de salud
a la cuarta edad. According to that it can be said that in spite of the fact that heritage plays
an important role in the subject we are dealing, it is decisive to maintain the
illusion to live and do some physical activity if we want to reach healthy the
fourth age.
44 Sesenta y más