Page 11 - minesp06_2002
P. 11
MINUSVAL.NES 13/6/02 02:26 Página 11
Head Manager of IMSERSO
I n what way can the new infor- O ne of the fundamental objectives of IMSERSO
mation and communication is to begin the full participation of the disa-
technologies contribute bled. INTERNET is for disabled people a key of
towards improving the qua- information and communication that should be an
lity of life of disabled people important contribution for their autonomy and rela-
and their social insertion? tionships in the different spheres of their lives. In the
design of new technologies, we have to take account
The modern Information, Communi- the contribution of the disabled in order to ensure
cation and Knowledge Society has the quality of products and services. In the next
brought systems, products and services interview, Alberto Galerón revises the possibility of
with it that have involved new ways of new technologies in the service of disabled.
interacting between ourselves and with
our surroundings. New Technologies What opportunities do these new heavy burdens or repetitive actions, and
have been developed to make our lives technologies offer to disabled peo- in general we feel better with ourselves
easier and make greater and better ple in their everyday lives? and our surroundings, and they contribu-
interaction possible. The New Technolo- te to a better and fairer society that is
gies can simplify the tasks we have been The new technologies have become a more dignified and sustainable.
doing and offer new possibilities to all of habitual part of our everyday life. Becau-
us, whatever our circumstances may be, se of this, they affect all aspects of the life However these tools can put new
that have been practically unknown to us of disabled people, and not only the spe- barriers in place for these people.
up till now. Besides this, they can and cific spheres of health or education. How do we prevent new obstacles
should be an important contribution for of social inclusion from appearing?
the autonomy of disabled people and Nowadays we make use of the new
their relationships in the different sphe- technologies at home, on trips, in com- In effect, all these innumerable possi-
res of their lives, providing them with munications, in leisure and at work. bilities become barriers and obstacles if
independence and greater facilities. we do not employ the measures to avoid
The new technologies can make life this. We have to work actively in order
Everybody should make the most of safer and enrich relationships for disa-
these possibilities, regardless of their cir- bled people, preventing the need for
cumstances of disability, age, gender or
social situation, and use them in a benefi-
cial manner to attain a society that profits
from the contributions of all its members.
MinusVal 11
Head Manager of IMSERSO
I n what way can the new infor- O ne of the fundamental objectives of IMSERSO
mation and communication is to begin the full participation of the disa-
technologies contribute bled. INTERNET is for disabled people a key of
towards improving the qua- information and communication that should be an
lity of life of disabled people important contribution for their autonomy and rela-
and their social insertion? tionships in the different spheres of their lives. In the
design of new technologies, we have to take account
The modern Information, Communi- the contribution of the disabled in order to ensure
cation and Knowledge Society has the quality of products and services. In the next
brought systems, products and services interview, Alberto Galerón revises the possibility of
with it that have involved new ways of new technologies in the service of disabled.
interacting between ourselves and with
our surroundings. New Technologies What opportunities do these new heavy burdens or repetitive actions, and
have been developed to make our lives technologies offer to disabled peo- in general we feel better with ourselves
easier and make greater and better ple in their everyday lives? and our surroundings, and they contribu-
interaction possible. The New Technolo- te to a better and fairer society that is
gies can simplify the tasks we have been The new technologies have become a more dignified and sustainable.
doing and offer new possibilities to all of habitual part of our everyday life. Becau-
us, whatever our circumstances may be, se of this, they affect all aspects of the life However these tools can put new
that have been practically unknown to us of disabled people, and not only the spe- barriers in place for these people.
up till now. Besides this, they can and cific spheres of health or education. How do we prevent new obstacles
should be an important contribution for of social inclusion from appearing?
the autonomy of disabled people and Nowadays we make use of the new
their relationships in the different sphe- technologies at home, on trips, in com- In effect, all these innumerable possi-
res of their lives, providing them with munications, in leisure and at work. bilities become barriers and obstacles if
independence and greater facilities. we do not employ the measures to avoid
The new technologies can make life this. We have to work actively in order
Everybody should make the most of safer and enrich relationships for disa-
these possibilities, regardless of their cir- bled people, preventing the need for
cumstances of disability, age, gender or
social situation, and use them in a benefi-
cial manner to attain a society that profits
from the contributions of all its members.
MinusVal 11